Proverbs 31 Womans Devotional - Encouragement for Today

<< Encouragement for Today

Encouragement 06-10-04


June 10, 2004
Encouragement for Today
Seeking His Face
Leigh Gray - Proverbs 31 speaker

Key Verse:

"He rewards those that earnestly seek him."  Hebrews 11:6

The thoughts raced through my mind as I frantically looked for my 2-year-old son somewhere in the house.  "Would I ever touch that thick white hair again?  Would I ever kiss that little pug nose?  Would I ever hold that little hand in mine again?"  Tucker had slipped out of my sight and was not responding to my call.  I ran outside and began screaming his name.  Two neighbors came urgently to help and we still could not find my precious son, my only son.  It must have been at least five minutes since I realized he was gone.  My heart cried, "What can I do?  All I want is to see that face one more time!" 

On a positive and much less frantic note, I remember feeling the desire to see my husband's face one last time as my college tennis team drove off to the national tournament for a week.  Obviously there was not a panic like there was in looking for my son, but there was still the longing in my heart to see his face one more time.  After all, we had only been married a year! 

Thankfully, my son was found and my husband came home. If only I had that kind of longing and passion for my Lord.  To wake up every morning and be so compelled to meet with Him.  Do you ever feel the same way?  Do you ever wonder why you can't stay on the mountain top spiritual high?

The scriptures offer many details about seeking the Lord's face. God reminds us in Jeremiah 29:13 that we must seek Him with all of our heart.  We always tell nonbelievers that this could be their last day to receive the Lord because we are not promised tomorrow. We should seek Him in the same way. Hebrews 11:6 states "He rewards those that earnestly seek him."  I think it has taken me a long time to realize what it means to seek His face. 

When seeking the face of God, I am not actually looking for eyes, nose, ears and a mouth.  No, seeking the face of God will actually be realized in the unexplainable peace that surrounds my spirit-filled days.  Seeking His face will be found in those God given blessings received by such an unworthy servant.  Seeking His face will be experiencing unexplainable joy, even in the midst of a tremendous trial!  As I seek His face, I will be doing nothing more than spending time is His presence and that alone is a priceless reward, a mountain top high like none other.

I may never have the sense of panic that drives me to the Word every morning as I had in "seeking" my son's face that day.  However, when I have taken the time to seek after the Lord and revel in His presence, I will not have such fear when terrifying experiences inevitably come. 

Moms, friends, sisters in Christ, we should seek after Him as if it is our last day, as if we just long to feel His peace one more time.  He promises in Jeremiah 29:14, "I will be found by you". You may not have a clue how to do this "seeking", but simply tell Him your heart desire and be honest.  We all must start somewhere.  Search for friends or mentors who can lead you on a solid path to His face the way my neighbors led me to my lost son. 

My prayer for today:

Father, lead me to your face.  Help me to be obedient in seeking after you.  Thank you in advance for the ways that you will bless me in my awesome search of You!

Application Steps:

Start today looking for His face and imprints in every situation.

Begin to acknowledge that He is in all things.

Praise Him for revealing Himself to you!

Reflection points:

Can you think of a time that you saw God at work in your life?

When was the last time you left His word energized?

Are you conscious of His presence daily, minute by minute?

Power Verses:

"You will seek me and you will find me when you seek with all your heart.  I will be found by you.  declares the Lord."  Jeremiah 29:13 - 14 (NIV)

"You have made known to me the path of life; you will find me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."  Psalm 16:11 (NIV)

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."  Matthew 7: 7 - 8 (NIV)

"My heart says to you, "Seek His face!"  You face Lord, I will seek."  Psalm 27:8 (NIV)

Additional Resources:

Radically Obedient, Radically Blessed  by Lysa TerKeurst
Dreams of a Woman by Sharon Jaynes
P31 Woman magazine

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