Encouragement 11-29-04
November 29, 2004
Encouragement for Today
Uncomfortable Skin
Leigh Gray, Speaker Team Member
Key verse:
"Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" Declares the Lord. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word," Isaiah 66:1-2 (NIV)
Have you ever been uncomfortable in your skin? I mean wanting to jump out and be someone else? Maybe sin has found you out or caught up with you. Maybe you have been called on the carpet for a mistake and wanted to disappear. On a positive note, maybe you have been blessed immeasurably or been given an incredible talent. Whatever the case may be, it causes you to stand out and that makes you uncomfortable.
In the Old Testament times, the Spirit of God would come and go as the Lord pleased. Many times the Holy Spirit or glory of God would depart from the Israelites due to sin, broken communication, complaining and grumbling. If God was "uncomfortable", He would not dwell where He was not being honored and glorified.
The scripture tells us we are the temples of the Holy Spirit. That means when Christ died for all people at Calvary, He left the Holy Spirit to comfort us in dark times and convict us of sin. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would never leave or depart. It makes me really consider what I must do to the Holy God, or as the originally language actually translates "tabernacling", in me when I sin, quench, and grieve the Holy Spirit. "Quenching the Spirit means to say "no" to His presence or leadership in our lives. And grieving the Holy Spirit means to give over to sin, refuse to repent or experience true forgiveness," writes Beth Moore in Living Beyond Yourself.
Is God ever uncomfortable in your skin? Everything God filters down in my life is for a reason. When things come into my life, things that are easy, hard, frustrating, exciting or even fun, I have a responsibility in my actions and reactions. Oh, and what about my thoughts? He knows and feels those, too! I can react and think in a way that brings Him glory or I can do the opposite that makes Him want to find somewhere else to dwell. But He is not that kind of God. He is there to stay and promises never to leave! He just has a hard time working through our lives when we are not allowing Him to lead and guide us each day.
In Isaiah 66:1, God asks where He can reside or where he can tabernacle. In verse 2, we find that He longs to dwell in the place that is humble, contrite in spirit and with one that trembles at the Word. He longs to be in the skin of the one that is constantly seeking righteousness and forgiveness, one that is looking to bring Him glory. The tests may be rough; the blessings may be ample but is He comfortable in your skin?
My prayer for today:
Father, I know and realize that you are living and working inside of me. My body is where you dwell. Please help me to make you comfortable there. Help me to do the things that honor and glorify you in my life! I love you Father; may my actions show it! Amen
Application steps:
Help your thought life - Turn off the TV.
Confess sins immediately and turn away from them forever.
Reflection points:
Do you know the difference between grieving the Spirit and quenching the Spirit?
Can you think of times that you have grieved the Spirit?
Is there a specific sin that causes you to be uncomfortable in your skin?
Power verses:
"Do not put out the Spirit's fire;" 1 Thessalonians 5:19 (NIV)
"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you have been sealed for the day of redemption." Ephesians 4:30 (NIV)
"Do you not know you r body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;" 1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV)
Additional resources:
A Woman's Secret to a Balanced Life - Sharon Jaynes
Becoming a Woman Who Listens to God - Sharon Jaynes