Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today 03-30-05


March 30, 2005

Encouragement for the day 


Success in the face of opposition-Part 3

Member of Speaker Team


Key Verse: 


“O LORD, God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love with those who love Him and obey his commands.”  Nehemiah 1:5




Two days ago, we began a journey with Nehemiah, cupbearer to the King.  God directed him to go and rebuild Jerusalem.  Others had attempted to do this, but had failed.  Early in the account, Nehemiah asked God for success and believed Him to answer his prayer.  Though facing many obstacles, our hero has been successful.  He and the Jewish people helping him have handled personal insults and losses with prayer and working together for the common good.  The task will be successful but not before a little more mud is slung in the faces of Nehemiah and his workers.


Nehemiah’s example teaches us that in opposition we should:


Pray throughout temptation. 

Beginning in chapter six, Sanballat and his officials did whatever they could to distract and intimidate the process of the people and the leadership of Nehemiah.  We can not pray just one time.  Prayer needs to be continual until the temptation is over.  All throughout the book of Nehemiah, he stops and prays.  It obviously worked for Nehemiah and it will work for you.  Don’t give up!!


Put our enemies in the hands of the Lord.

At this point, the last thing I am sure you want to do is pray for your enemy.  But God’s word makes it very clear that we are to pray for those who persecute us.  This is exactly what Nehemiah did in verse fourteen of chapter six.  Give your persecutors to God.  He will bring the victory in your heart. 


Victory is inevitable and the enemy knows it.

The wall was completed in fifty-two days.  Fifty-two days of determination under heavy attack and persecution. The enemies, seeing the wall completed in record time, then became fearful and lost their self confidence. (6:16) Isn’t that just like God - to give victory and make our enemies turn from us?  Wow!


Wouldn’t you have loved to have been there when Nehemiah secured the door in place?  Oh, how I wish I could be there with you when you stand in victory.  I can hear the cheers of heaven now.  Keep your eyes on the prize, victory is yours.



My Prayer for Today:


Lord, give me a steadfast spirit to see the victory you have waiting for me.  Give me the courage to pray for those who attack me.  Help me to believe you and rest in the freedom that you are going to bring judgment to them.  I love you and want to be faithful to you.  Amen.


Application Steps:


  1. Write down the names of those who are persecuting you.
  2. Pray for them.
  3. Keep the list in your Bible and continue to pray for them.
  4. Record any changes in your relationship with these people.
  5. Praise Him for the changes.


Reflection Points:


  1. How do I treat those who insult or ridicule me?
  2. What do I do when I am tempted to give up?
  3. Am I following God’s plan for my life as Nehemiah did?


Additional Resources:


Who Holds the Key to your Heart            by Lysa TerKeurst



Becoming a Woman who Listens to God by Sharon Jaynes



Living Life on Purpose by Lysa TerKeurst
