Encouragement for Today

God Sees You - Encouragement for Today - August 31, 2017

Jenny Wheeler

August 31, 2017
God Sees You

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9a (NIV)

“Look in me eyes, daddy! Look in me eyes,” our sweet toddler exclaimed one busy Sunday afternoon.

The curious phrase became a habit from that day forward. His intensity often left my husband and me laughing. But make no mistake: Chase was serious, taking his daddy’s face into his hands, leaning close, eyes inches apart.

When he needed a little extra attention, this was his go-to response. The only thing that would placate him was the reply, “I see you, sweetie. I see you.”

Coming from a big family, I remember yearning as a child for more one-on-one time with my parents. Because we traveled and sang, I learned quickly that performing well temporarily satisfied the desire to be noticed. I loved music so much, and though I was somewhat shy, it felt good to bring smiles to everyone’s faces.

But the older I got, the more I began to understand: Applause fades. The show ends. People “outgrow” you.

It can lead a tender heart to wonder …

Do I matter? Does anyone REALLY see me? Am I invisible?

Although I’m not a kid anymore, I wrestle at times with feeling unnoticed, desperately wanting to grab the faces of those around me and demanding, “Look in me eyes.” Sometimes I feel like I have to do that with God, too.

It’s easy to question our worth when it appears others don’t appreciate or truly see us, or when we compare their “glamorous” life with our “simple” one. I see my friend’s highlight reel as she serves orphans in Uganda and then feel like I’ve all but disappeared in the lowlight of an underwhelming day.

Washing dishes, running errands, making dinner … none of it feels meaningful. Sometimes the false belief — that value lies in the things we do and not in the God who made and passionately loves us — can crush our fragile hearts.

Have you been there?

May I speak hope into your soul today? A heart turned toward God never goes unnoticed.

He sees you right where you are, even if no one else does. He is actively searching for a heart like yours! A heart that loves the Lord — one that’s surrendered to Him — cannot be ignored. But our gracious God doesn’t stop there.

In our key verse, 2 Chronicles 16:9a, the Scriptures declare God sees the whole earth, and He promises “to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”

Strength to fold one more load of laundry? You bet. 
Strength to plan one more meal? Yes. 
Strength to trust His timing? In abundance.
Strength to faithfully serve Him in the small things? Absolutely!
Strength to wait for the season to change? It’s yours!

In the hardest of times and on the loneliest of days, I don’t have to perform or jump up and down for God to notice me. Instead He is ever reaching, ready to take my face in His hands, lean close and whisper, “Look in My eyes, child. Look in My eyes.

In that closeness, where His tender gaze meets our weary but trusting heart, we’ll hear Him say, “I see you, sweetie. I see you.”

Face to face with our heavenly Father, He soothes the ache to be seen. The desire to perform disappears in the revelation that I am fully known and fully loved by God. And my heart can finally see that His eyes upon me are the only ones I’ll ever need.

Dear God, thank You for really seeing me. Knowing Your eyes are always on me matters more to me than being noticed by others. When I crave attention and validation, I choose to receive Your love, placing all that I am in Your hands. Thank You for strengthening my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Psalm 33:18, “The LORD watches over those who obey him, those who trust in his constant love.” (GNT)

Are you the woman you want to be? Proverbs 31 Ministries is partnering with Chrystal Evans Hurst as we read her newly released book, She’s Still There: Rescuing the Girl in You as our next FREE Online Bible Study. Recognize the woman you were meant to be as you set out on a journey to find direction, purpose and true satisfaction. You can sign up for the study here.

It’s our summer sale! Get some of our favorite products at a special price for a limited time only. You can shop our summer clearance sale here.

Think of a time when you could identify that the Lord was watching over your life. Thank Him for that right now, as you trust Him to continue the good work He began in you.

© 2017 by Jenny Wheeler. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105