Encouragement for Today

Always Cold?… We Don’t Have to Be - Encouragement for Today - July 5, 2019

Anitha Abraham

July 5, 2019
Always Cold?… We Don’t Have to Be

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“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 (MEV)

It was that time of year again … time for my annual doctor’s visit. Friends, is it just me, or do these appointments come around way too fast with each passing year? The struggle is real.

So there I was, standing by the door in the corner of the room when the assistant looked over at me. “Oh honey, you look cold. Can I get you a warm robe?” she asked kindly.

I wonder what gave it away? Perhaps she noticed my lifted shoulders, my crossed arms or that the paper-thin gown I was asked to wear offered me little warmth. I just wanted to get this appointment over with, so I declined her sweet offer. “No, it’s OK … I’m good. I’m always cold.”

Despite what I said, the assistant walked into the hallway and grabbed a robe for me from the warmer. She put it over my shoulders, saying,“These visits are uncomfortable enough. If I can do something to make it better, I will.”

That warm robe made me feel as if I’d just exited the cold walls of a doctor’s office and entered a spa. I said no to this? What was I thinking?

I guess I wasn’t.

You see, I’m that girl who wears a sweater year-round, even in hot Texas summers. That girl who isn’t opposed to raising the thermostat up a couple of degrees while others in the room are more than ready to turn it down. I’m that girl who’s always cold.Perhaps you know someone like me, or maybe that someone is you.

Interestingly enough, although I didn’t have to be cold at my appointment, I chose to be.

Then, it hit me: How often do I do this with God?

God is always accessible … but do I always access Him the way I should? He is right there, and His Word tells me so.

We see this in today’s key verse: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).

And James 4:8a tells us, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (MEV).

Finally, Isaiah 66:2b says, “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word” (NIV).

In essence, God wants to give me a robe straight out of His warmer — but how often do I respond like I did at my appointment? No thanks, God. I’m good. I’ve got this … when clearly, I don’t. How often, for the sake of time, pride or just pure laziness, do I decline God’s gracious offer?

Five minutes of Bible reading and a quick prayer, followed by 30 minutes of scrolling through my social media newsfeed, might not be what God had in mind when He asked me to dwell in His shelter, draw near to Him and tremble at His Word.

God doesn’t just love me — He likes me and wants to hang out with me. The God of heaven and earth desires to be near me and warm my soul.

And He wants to be near you, too.

Wherever we find ourselves today, shoulders lifted, arms crossed, whatever our struggle, we may not have an actual assistant offering us a robe straight out of a warmer … ah, wouldn’t that be nice? Thankfully, though, we do have a heavenly Father who desires to surround us with His presence, sing over us and warm our soul. Now why would we ever say no to that?

Always cold? We don’t have to be!

Heavenly Father, Your Word tells me that if I draw near to You, You will draw near to me. Help me take advantage of every moment I can spend with You. I want to feel the warmth of Your presence. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Psalm 73:28, “But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have taken my refuge in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works.” (MEV)

Psalm 16:8, “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.” (NLT)

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Have you ever struggled to find the words to pray? Maybe you’re feeling the sting of rejection, or dealing with a troubling relationship. No matter what you're facing today, God’s Word has the comfort you need. When you donate to Proverbs 31, you’ll get Lysa TerKeurst’s Steady Your Soul: A 21-day Prayer and Journal. Learn how to calm the chaos through prayer and overcome feeling helpless by inviting God into your situation. Click here to learn more.

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Are you able to say “no” to one thing today so that you can say “yes” to God? Think of it as an unplanned but much needed coffee date with your heavenly Father. Just you and Him. Be still and bask in the warmth of His presence. He is waiting!

Share your thoughts! Let us know in the comments about a time when you’ve been reminded to say yes to God’s prompting to draw near to Him.

© 2019 by Binu Samuel. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105