Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - November 23, 2005



Encouragement for Today


“Can I Have a Playground Now?”

Wendy Pope, Director of Development, Author, Proverbs 31 Speaker Team Member


Key Verse:

Matthew 6:10, "Pray then like this…your will be done…" (NIV) 



Anyone who has ever cared for children knows there are essentials that one must have in order to survive. One essential is outside play toys – anything from sidewalk chalk, tricycles, and pretend lawnmowers to a swing set.


From the time my baby girl was old enough to walk, I dreamed of having a swing set in our backyard. Our neighbors were kind enough to share their backyard play set with us, but it wasn't the same as having our own. As our daughter grew and became more verbal, she began to ask for her own "playground." I knew this was all the ammunition I needed to convince her father to buy one. Unfortunately, when "we" talked to him about buying a playground "we" did not get the answer "we" wanted to hear.  My husband and I encouraged her to pray for a playground.


She began to pray faithfully every night. She was very specific in her prayer. She knew exactly what she wanted. In her prayer, she asked for two swings, a tree house, a sliding board and a teeter-totter. Through this experience, her father and I were able to teach her the importance of praying for God's will. We tried to make her understand that God doesn't always give us things just because we want them. She prayed from her heart each night, but now she ended her prayer saying, "If it is your will, can I please have a playground?"


The time finally came when we were able to purchase a "playground." I was so excited that God had provided the means to answer this prayer. I wanted to run and tell Blaire right away, but something inside me said wait.  I could feel the anticipation building within me and imagined how she would react when she saw her very own "playground."


I took the children on a short weekend trip. While we were gone, my husband and a friend were able to assemble the playground. Driving home, I could hardly keep the car on the road.  Knowing that she was about to get the answer to her prayer was almost more than I could take.


As we drove into the driveway, she saw what her father was building and ran to show her appreciation with a big hug and kiss. The expression of joy on her face was worth the wait. The experience would not have been the same if she had known what was going to happen.


Later, as I was pushing her in the swing, I thanked God again for His provision. He whispered back to me, "This is what it is like for me when I wait to give you the things you desire. I love to see your reaction just like you loved to see Blaire's reaction. Remember what I have for you is always worth the wait."


Waiting for God's best is hard. Ask for Him to help you wait patiently and accept His answer.


My Prayer for Today:

Dear Lord, waiting for Your best is hard.  I ask You to help me wait patiently and be willing to accept the answers thatYyou give.  In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.


Application Steps:

For the next 30 days change your prayer life by:

  • Praying face down, preferably as you kneel on the floor.
  • Begin each prayer with "If it is Your will."
  • End each prayer with "In Jesus' name."


Reflection Points:

How do I respond when God says "wait"?


How do I respond when God says "no"?


Is what I am praying for in God's will?


Power Verses:

Psalm 17:6, "I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God incline thine ear unto me, and hear my speech." (KJV)


Psalm 17:6, "Why I am praying like this? Because I know you will answer me, O God!  Yes, listen as I pray." (TLB)


Psalm 38:15, "But for thee, O LORD, do I wait; it is thou, O LORD my God, who wilt answer." (RSV)


Matthew 6:10, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it in heaven." (RVS)


Additional Resources:

Out of the Mouths of Babes, by Wendy Pope



Becoming a Woman Who Listens to God, by Sharon Jaynes



Secrets of the Vine, by Bruce Wilkinson
