Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - Oct. 4, 2006


October 2006


Encouragement for Today


Principle 1


“Crime Scene”

Van Walton, Proverbs 31 Speaker Team Member, Director of Hispanic Ministries


Key Verse:

2 Samuel 22:29, “For you are my lamp, O LORD, and my God lightens my darkness.” (ESV)



We pulled into our motel at 4:00 AM after passing through a dead-still town. It seemed strange to be up, traveling, and checking into a place to “spend the night” when the world around us would be waking in an hour or two. Turning the corner into the parking lot, we noticed strange lights running around in a field overgrown with weeds and shrubs.


“I wonder what’s happening out there at this time of the morning,” each family member wondered. In a minute, a police officer with a search light emerged and walked toward his patrol car.


“I can’t believe he’s alone out there in that dark space where anyone or any beast could be hiding under perfect cover. How dangerous!” I hoped all my wild thoughts would remain just that – concerns and not reality. My fears ceased when another police officer emerged. The two conversed and disappeared into the underbrush.   Hours later in the light of day, we curiously drove past the crime scene - the tall weeds where a thief had hidden.


It dawned on me that I live in a crime scene. You do too! The Bible says the world in which we live is filled with terror, battles, pestilence, and destruction (Psalm 91:5-6) We have an enemy, a criminal of all criminals who plots to destroy us. (1 Peter 5:9)


Like police officers and savvy detectives, we should not be working the beat alone. In fact, God tells us that He patrols with us: “…wait for me, for the day when I rise up to the prey…I am going to deal at that time with all your oppressors” (Zephaniah 3:8, 19 NASB)


Before approaching any crime scene, it’s wise to ask someone to “watch your back.” Jesus, the mighty warrior, is an always available colleague. He walks with us in the midst of the evil that exists and, in this dark world filled with sin, He is the Light we need. The Prince of Peace longs to be invited into our trying circumstances and dangerous moments.  I know Him to be a trustworthy partner. He placed Himself in harm’s way by giving His life so I might live.


I am a coward by nature. I should not be stepping into perilous circumstances alone. I panic and make crazy decisions. It gives me great comfort and confidence to know that I don’t have to face fire alone. I have a Partner whose strong right arm protects me. So do you! 


My Prayer for Today:

God, You not only created me but also provide for me. You are my Protector. When I am frightened, remind me that You are holding out the light in the dark. I invite You to walk with me in this crime-filled world and thank you for giving Your life that I might live.  In Jesus’ Name,   Amen.


Application Steps: 

Consider conferencing with God before you step into life everyday. When you know of dangers - spiritual, emotional or physical - ask Him to guard you and make you aware of your surroundings. Invite Him to partner with you.


Reflection Points:

Have I considered that I don’t have to handle the crime scenes in my life alone?  


What is my plan for dealing with the trouble, danger, accidents, and lawlessness I face each day and night?


Power Verses:                                                                                                Psalm 108:6, “Use your strong right arm to save me, and rescue your beloved people.” (NLT)

Isaiah 2:5, “Come . . . let us walk in the light of the LORD.” (NIV)

Isaiah 60:1, “’For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the LORD will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you.”(NASB)

Zephaniah 3:17, “The LORD your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior…” (NASB)

1 Peter 3:18, “Christ also … died that he might bring us safely home to God…” (NLT)


Additional Resources:
Who Holds the Keys to Your Heart by Lysa TerKeurst


Becoming a Woman who Listens to God by Sharon Jaynes


What Happens when Women Walk in Faith by Lysa TerKeurst