Encouragement for Today

Encouragement for Today - October 15, 2012


Micca Campbell

October 15, 2012

Hide and Seek
Micca Campbell

"But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul." - Deuteronomy 4:29 (NIV)

During my childhood, one of my most memorable times was during the long, hot days of summer. Each evening, the neighborhood kids and I went outside after dinner for one last game. At dusk, we would meet at the dead-end street to play "Hide and Seek."

This was a very serious game. The goal was to hide from your seeker until it was safe to run for home base without being seen and tagged out. That is why we played under the cover of twilight. The darkness kept you concealed as you dashed from object to object until you finally made it to home base - unseen and untagged by the pursuer.

I especially loved the memories of when I was young enough to still enjoy the game, but old enough to know how to keep from being found.

It was my dad who first introduced me to Hide and Seek. Although, my father and I played the game with different rules.

When Dad hid, he would leave clues on purpose so I could find him. Sometimes, I would spy his wiggling toes sticking out from under the living room curtains. Others times, I noticed a lampshade sitting atop a very large stand in the shape of his body. Or I'd hear noises coming from behind the couch.

For my dad and me, the game was not about staying hidden. It was about developing our relationship.

Our reunion brought joy and laughter. Mostly, it taught me that whenever I needed my dad, he could always be found.

The same is true with our heavenly Father. He is not playing a game of chance - that we may or may not find Him. No. God wants to be found, and He leaves clues about His presence everywhere we look.

Today's key verse assures us that we will find God if we seek Him with our heart and soul. "But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deut. 4:29)

When do we seek Him? God's Word tells us to seek Him while He can be found. We should seek God immediately.

How do we seek Him? With diligence, through prayer, in His Word, and with our whole hearts.

He will be found in the beauty of creation and within the pages of His Word. As we seek God, we will discover His will, His plans, and His blessings in new found strength as we face adversity, and in the comfort of His presence as we communicate with Him in prayer.

God isn't playing Hide and Seek with us. He longs to be found by those who earnestly seek Him. The Lord is ready and waiting to reveal Himself to you in such wonderful ways that it will leave you longing for more. It's an adventure you don't want to miss. Ready, set, seek!

Dear Lord, I long to see You in my daily life. Reveal Yourself to me as I seek in times of sorrow and in times of joy. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Do You Know Jesus?

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Reflect and Respond:
Have you lost sight of God?

Seek Him today in His Word and through prayer. Look for Him all around you. Ask God to open your eyes and reveal Himself to you in a fresh and tender way.

Power Verses:
1 Chronicles 16:11, "Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always." (NIV)

Psalms 9:10, "Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." (NIV)

© 2012 by Micca Campbell. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105