How God Leads - Encouragement for Today - February 5, 2019
![]() | February 5, 2019 |
“The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:23 (NLT)
One of the rules at the summer camp I attended as a girl was: NO FOOD IN THE CABINS. And like all the best rules, there was good reason for it. That good reason was called “ants.” Those sneaky little devils would follow the tiniest trace of a crumb straight to the source and then call all their friends to line up, file in, capture the booty and file back out into ant-land.
Did I still stash banned goodies of granola bars, Oreos, chips and Capri Suns under my bunk? Yup. And sure enough, those ants followed the crumbs and found my treasure.
Often, I find myself worried and fretful I might not ever find the treasure — never fully becoming the woman God wants me to be. I want to maximize my time on earth for His glory and see my good as a benefit. I want to live out my purpose, be a caring friend, love my family well, serve faithfully in my local church, disciple others successfully, honor my body as the temple of God, and be excellent in all I put my hands to do.
But I feel anxiety at times that I simply won’t be able to figure things out and live my life fully stewarding the resources God has given me.
While my concerns still sometimes crawl into my subconscious and fear tries to rise up, I’ve learned that there’s another treasure God has given me to quiet my head and heart.
God leaves “crumbs” to lead us.
Psalm 37:23 reminds us how God enjoys leading us in the details of our lives, and He helps us on the way by leaving a trail of “crumbs” right in plain sight. “The LORDdirects the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.”
The first and most obvious of those crumbs are the words that over thousands of years He’s made available for our instruction. God left His Word to be a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).
Moses’ story is a good example of how God uses crumbs to lead us to His purposes. In Exodus 2, we read about Moses and his passion for the Hebrew people. Even though he was raised as Egyptian royalty, Moses cared so passionately for the Israelites that he actually murdered an Egyptian who’d beaten a Hebrew slave (Exodus 2:11-15).
After running for fear of his life into the desert, Moses no longer had a life of royalty but instead took on the lowly position of a shepherd. He led sheep. He got practice caring for those who needed constant guidance and direction.
So when God meets Moses at the burning bush in Exodus 3 and tells Moses it’s time to lead the Hebrew people into freedom, Moses is confused. How could God be asking him to lead His people to the promised land … when he was such a sinful, simple, unsophisticated soul?
The answer? God saw what Moses didn’t.
He saw the treasure in Moses. He understood that the breadcrumbs of Moses’ passion, personality and profession were the path to the treasure He could use.
If you’ve never had a clear vision of who you should be, here’s the good news — you serve a God who knows you better than you know yourself! And He wants to surprise you with who He knows you can be!
Simply follow the crumbs.
First, prioritize studying God’s Word and obeying His commands. Next, take time to look at what God has put in you — who He’s already uniquely made you to be. Then, pay attention to opportunities that come your way and the story God’s allowed you to live. As you move in the direction God leads through the crumbs He provides, you’ll discover the treasure — the abundant life God intends for you to live.
You may not know everything there is to know, but you don’t have to. God always has a plan and destination in mind. We just have to follow the crumbs. Connect what you know with what you do, and watch new paths form in front of you.
Dear God, I want to honor You with my life. Sometimes I’m afraid I won’t become the woman You want me to be. Help me do my part to live the abundant life You’ve made possible for me. Reveal Yourself to me through Your Word, and show me how to honor You with my actions. And when doubts arise, help me trust that You are a gentle Shepherd who has promised to lead me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Psalm 119:133a, “Direct my footsteps according to your word …” (NIV)
Is there a young woman in your life who needs encouragement to honor her unique and divine design? Order Chrystal Evans Hurst’s newest book for teens, Show Up For Your Life: What the Girl You’ll Be Tomorrow Wants You to Know Today, HERE!
Download a free sample of Chrystal Evans Hurst’s brand-new book, HERE.
How’d you like to win a copy of Show Up For Your Life to share with a young woman in your sphere of influence who needs to be reminded of her value? To celebrate this new book, Zondervan is giving away five copies! Share a comment here in our comments section, and you’re automatically entered to win. (We’ll notify winners in the comments section by Monday, February 11.)
Do you ever feel as if you aren’t getting life “right”?
What crumbs have you seen in God’s Word or in your life that give you clues as to how God is leading you? How does this encourage you today?
© 2019 by Chrystal Evans Hurst. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105