Encouragement for Today

Who's Texting Me this Late? - Encouragement for Today - September 29, 2014

Wendy Pope

SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

Who's Texting Me this Late?

"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

I got the phone call no woman wants to get. "Mrs. Pope, this is your doctor's office calling in reference to your mammogram. We need to schedule a diagnostic exam."

(Insert gasp, followed by silence.)

Fear filled my body and what-if thoughts consumed my mind: What if the diagnostic exam showed cancer? What if I have to have chemotherapy? What if? What if? What if?

The day finally arrived. My husband, Scott, who was driving me to the appointment, came home a little later from work than I had hoped. Then my nephew showed up to help with a project and needed some instructions, which took up even more of our limited time.

My heart pounded as we wheeled out of the driveway. We were going to be late. Scott drove fast to try to make up for the time we lost. While I appreciated his effort, it only added to my already heightened anxiety. With each passing moment I became more fretful. It was obvious, I needed prayer.

I sent this text message to a friend, "I need prayer now. I will explain later."

Meg's reply was instant, "Praying now Wendy."

Fast-forward several weeks.

My phone chimed signaling a new message. I glanced at the clock. Who is messaging me this late?

"I just wanted to let you know that I was praying for you."

Two weeks had passed and I'd gotten the all clear from my doctor, but amazingly Meg was still praying for me.

"Thanks Meg. I'm still praying for your prayer request too," I texted back.

She thanked me for being one of her prayer warriors.

"That's what we do. We are Jesus girls," I replied.

Today's key verse encourages us to pray at all times and on every occasion. At first glance such a suggestion may seem overwhelming, but Paul was simply saying: pray prayer upon prayer. Whether we pray individually or in a group, aloud or silently, kneeling or standing, pray.

The prayer doesn't have to be fancy with big church words like thee and thou. Paul's message is just pray.

Prayer connects our heart with another's in a way we can't explain. Through prayer, we share in the weight of the burden and are able to sympathize with circumstances the person is facing. Our hearts join together in prayer and create an inexplicable bond of love.

Prayer invites God into the situation. As we pray, our faith grows. Our growing faith moves God to act on our behalf and work all things together for our good.

Prayer also unites our heart with God. This unique union prompts and enables us to follow Paul's instruction concerning prayer.

Just pray — that's what Jesus girls do.

When the text comes late at night — we pray.

When a friend calls, we don't question — we pray.

We pray in groups, in pairs and individually. We pray for each other. We pray for our country. We pray for our leaders. We pray for the unsaved and for the saved. We pray for our churches. We pray for our pastors. We pray at all times and on every occasion. We pray prayers upon prayers.

That's what Jesus girls do.

How are you today? Perhaps you need prayer, or maybe you are one who can offer to pray. Will you meet me over on my blog today? Let's keep it simple. No questions asked. No explanations needed. I know some Jesus girls who would love to pray for you.

Dear Lord, I know You just want me to pray. You don't need to hear big church words. You just want me to pray. Prompt me Lord; I will pray. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Psalms 55:17, "Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice." (KJV)

Hebrews 4:16, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (KJV)

Trusting God for A Better Tomorrow: A Psalms Bible Study by Wendy Pope

Click here to find out more about considering Wendy as your next retreat/keynote speaker.

Visit Wendy's blog today to submit a prayer request or to pray for someone.

Has someone asked you for prayer recently? Pray prayers upon prayers for them. If you feel led, contact them to let them know that you are praying, or ask for an update.

Do you need prayer? Don't be afraid to call, email or text a friend to ask them to pray. That's what Jesus girls do!

© 2014 by Wendy Pope. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105