Every Day Light, with Selwyn Hughes

Every Day Light 9/11

September 11
A Check-Up for Wives
For reading & meditation - 1 Peter 3
"Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands ..." (v. 1)

Yesterday the men were asked to examine themselves using a simple questionnaire as to how they were doing as husbands. Today a similar opportunity is extended to wives. 1. Are you depending on the Lord to meet your basic needs for security, significance, and self-worth? (YES/NO) 2. Can you meet financial disasters bravely without condemning your husband for his mistakes, or comparing him unfavorably with others? (YES/NO) 3. Do you dress with an eye for your husband's likes and dislikes in color and style? (YES/NO) 4. Do you keep up your own personal prayer life so that you may meet everything that arises with poise? (YES/NO) 5. Do you avoid daydreaming or fantasizing about other men you might have married? (YES/NO) 6. Are you sensitive to your husband?s moods and feelings and know when, and when not, to bring up delicate issues? (YES/NO) 7. Do you respect your husband? (YES/NO) 8. Are you careful never to criticize your husband in front of others? (YES/NO) 9. Do you keep track of the day's news and what is happening in the world so that you can discuss these with your husband? (YES/NO) 10. Are you a "submissive" wife? (YES/NO) A score of 7 to 10 yes responses - excellent. Below 7 yes answers - it's decision time.

Prayer: My heavenly Father, I realize the tender relationships of home can be a shrine, or they can be a snarl. Keep my inner shrine from all wrong attitudes and from all worry. Let me approach today's challenge in the knowledge that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13, NKJV). Amen.

For Further Study

Proverbs 31:10-31 1 Timothy 3:11Esther 1:20

1. What are the characteristics of a virtuous woman?

2. What do her children call her?