Devotional for Dieters, with Dan Dick

Devotional For Dieters 1/10


January 10

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The stomach is a spoiled brat. When we miss even one meal, it kicks up a fuss and makes us feel as though we're going to starve. Of course, we're in no danger whatsoever, but once our stomachs get started, it is hard to ignore them. To diet means to engage in mind over matter. We need to realize that we can get by on a lot less food than we actually eat. We need to renew our mind, change our thinking, and decide that we're not going to be made a slave to our stomachs. We resent it when someone else tries to control us. Why should we so easily succumb to our own stomachs? When we refuse to be ruled by anything but the Spirit of God, then we truly please Him.

Today's thought: God can liberate us from slavery to the stomach!