Dan Dick Devotional for Dieters Christian Devotions

<< Devotional for Dieters, with Dan Dick

Devotional For Dieters 11/7

November 7

Philippians 4:19
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

It really wasn't fair that so many thin people couldn't understand what it meant to be fat. Patty got mad when skinny friends chastised her for not sticking to her diet better. What did they know? Patty was always so thankful to God for what weight she'd been able to lose already that she could never understand why her friends put her down. Didn't they know what she had to sacrifice? Whenever Patty got mad at her friends, she asked God to help calm her down. His peace filled her heart, and she was able to relax. God had done so much for her while she dieted. Too bad her friends couldn't see it.

Today's thought: God is with me when it feels like the world is against me!

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