Devotional for Dieters, with Dan Dick

Devotional For Dieters 2/3

February 3

Jude 24
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.

There was a girl by the name of Jennifer who was always getting herself into trouble because she couldn't say no. She had absolutely no resistance to any temptation. Then she met Beth. Beth was able to be a voice of reason and common sense for Jennifer. Jennifer knew that if she was tempted, Beth would get her through. Jesus Christ can be to us what Beth was to Jennifer; He can be our voice of reason. Whenever we feel ourselves being tempted, we need to turn toward Him. He is able to keep us from falling. When we find ourselves too weak to handle a situation, we can rest assured that Jesus is indeed strong enough.

Today's thought: Jesus can keep me on the right track!