Devotional for Dieters, with Dan Dick

Devotional For Dieters 2/9

February 9

Hebrews 2:18
For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.

When we get particularly low during our dieting times, we feel so alone and alienated. People pat us on the back and tell us they know how we feel, but we know they really don't. There are times we feel certain that no one knows how we feel. Rest assured, though, that Jesus knows how hard it is, and He wants to comfort us, especially when the going gets the toughest. If we turn to Him He will give us comfort and strength in the darkest times. He's been there before us, and He is willing to walk our path with us. When we welcome Him in, He will grant us comfort.

Today's thought: No matter how lonely I might feel, Jesus is right beside me!