Devotional for Dieters, with Dan Dick

Devotional For Dieters 3/3

March 3

Matthew 28:20
'teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.' Amen.

A friend of mine fasts regularly, and to my astonishment, he never complains or seems to be the least bit ruffled by the experience. For myself, I find that fasting changes my whole disposition. I asked him his secret once, and he said, 'It's no secret, really. All I do is pretend that the empty feeling in my stomach is really the Holy Spirit moving around, making itself comfortable inside. That way, the gnawing isn't unpleasant but it's quite comforting to think that God is so very close.' I tried to follow my friend's advice, and it has worked wonders for me. Try it today.

Today's thought: I will let my hunger turn my mind to God!