Daily Devotionals

He Has Set Eternity in Our Hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11) - Your Daily Bible Verse - March 9

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He Has Set Eternity in Our Hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
By: Amanda Idleman

Today’s Bible Verse: “He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart.” - Ecclesiastes 3:11

Humans are unique in all of creation in that we contemplate life after death. The animals haven’t filled the jungles with caution tape in an effort to avoid death… they are born, live, and die without the ability to consider a different fate. Humans differ from animals because we are acutely aware of our mortality.

Death does not feel natural to us. It feels like a curse. As a conscious and reasoning creature, having to face the reality that we in this human form will come to an end feels unfair. I have asked many times the question: How do I live with peace with the knowledge that I have been born to die?

We all feel this tension and fear at some point in our lives. This is why stories of loss, death, disease, and other risks fill the headlines, because we as people can’t help but look. Humanity is not at peace with our own mortality. The Bible explains our situation in Ecclesiastes 3:11 which says, “He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11, inspirational image

If we are honest, existence without eternity is too short, too meaningless, and rubs against the truth we all feel when we stop to examine our own hearts. Thankfully, the God that made us has not left us alone. He wrote a story that we can read in the Bible that helps explain who he is, what we mean to him, and shares with us a glimpse into eternity.

Jesus, the Son of God, came to Earth in the form of a man so that we might believe and be saved. God knew that without a Savior who could make up for man’s sinful nature we were all doomed to an existence that would forever be separated from the perfect God. Jesus, during his time on Earth, shared with his disciples’ insight into what God’s big rescue plan is for his beloved creation.

In John 17:3 Jesus says, “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." Eternal life begins here and now. Until the moment we pray the prayer of faith we are dead. When we come to know God and Jesus Christ his son it is then that we are “reborn” and begin a new life as a part of God’s family.

Eternity begins with our conversation but extends past our physical death. Jesus explains to Martha in John 11:25-26 that He is the resurrection and life. Jesus goes on to say that if we believe in him you will live even if you die and those who believe never die. Jesus promises that when we pray a prayer of faith that invites God into our lives we are promised an eternity with Him in Heaven.

Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God has given us the free gift of eternal life with him. This is something that we surely do not deserve and it is only by God’s grace that we are saved. Take a moment and thank God for rescuing us from what we deserve. If you do not know him, consider asking him to be your God, so you can begin to experience eternity on this side of Heaven.

Amanda Idleman is a writer whose passion is to encourage others to live joyfully. She writes devotions for My Daily Bible Verse Devotional and Podcast, Crosswalk Couples Devotional, the Daily Devotional App, she has work published with Her View from Home, on the MOPS Blog, and is a regular contributor for Crosswalk.com. You can find out more about Amanda on her Facebook Page or follow her on Instagram.

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