From His Heart, by Pastor Jeff Schreve

From His Heart - Week of August 10

Failure is Not Final

For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again.  Proverbs 24:16

A few years ago, we bought a Garmin GPS unit for my daughter, Amy.  Like her dad, she was not blessed with a good sense of direction.  We knew Garmin could help her with that challenge. 

One day, Amy, Debbie and I were traveling together with Garmin leading the way. Unfortunately, I missed a turn ... and Garmin let me know. She could have said, "You missed the exit, moron. You are going to have to turn around." But, Garmin is very polite and encouraging. When you miss an exit, she doesn't berate you, she just says this important word, "Recalculating." That means, you messed up, but let me find a new route to get you where you need to go.


When it comes to our lives, God is a lot like Garmin. He guides us through His Word and prayer. And if we get off course, He lets us know it. Thankfully, He doesn't beat us up and throw us out. He gently, lovingly says, "Recalculating." He wants us to walk with Him and go in the right direction of His will and His ways.

How awesome to know that failure (missing "a turn" in life because of selfishness and sin) is not final. No matter how badly you may have messed up your life, you can get back on track with God. He graciously recalculates His route for you so that you can go on with Him.


Have you missed your turn with the Lord? Are you hearing Him say, "Recalculating," but you are tuning Him out? Remember this: "In His presence is fullness of joy" (Psalm 16:11).  When you go in the right direction with God, you experience His presence, peace and joy.  "Only the rebellious dwell in a parched land" (Psalms 68:6). 

The time is now to get back on track with the Lord Jesus Christ. He hasn't given up on you. Just like Garmin, no matter how many wrong turns we make, He keeps recalculating so that we can walk with Him, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Will you heed His voice today and let Him guide you? He is good and only wants the best for you. The rebellious dwell in a parched land ... but the obedient dwell in the Promised Land. The time is now to be obedient and enter in to the joy of your Master.

Pastor Jeff Schreve
From His Heart Ministries

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Jeff Schreve is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Texarkana, Texas. He and his wife Debbie have been married for over 20 years and are blessed with three wonderful girls. Jeff began From His Heart Ministries, a radio and television ministry, in January of 2005. This ministry is completely listener/viewer supported. It continues only through the faithful and generous gifts of people like you. Pastor Jeff takes no salary from this ministry. All gifts go to further the broadcast.