Girlfriends in God

Born To Be Wild, Part 2 - Girlfriends in God - August 12, 2015

August 12, 2015
Born To Be Wild, Part 2
Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)

Friend to Friend

Yesterday we visited the story of an unlikely champion: a racehorse named Seabiscuit. He was too small, the jockey was too big and blind in one eye – and yet, against all odds, this scrappy horse and rider won the coveted Triple Crown in 1939. Seabiscuit’s owner, trainer, and jockey all learned rich lessons as they chose to see promises in the midst of their problems.

In an effort to help the horse remember how to be a horse, the trainer had the jockey run Seabiscuit in open grassy fields. They took him back to his roots. Back to a place where space was plentiful and restrictions were but a simple fence. Back to a place of wild freedom. And by doing so, they awakened a fresh spark of purpose in the heart of the stallion.

He went on to be a champion that ran like the wind, changed the lives of three broken men, and inspired a knotted nation that was bound by tangles of a dark time: the Great Depression.

At one low point, however, the owner felt the horse was too wild… wild with rebellion and stubbornness… too damaged to keep… untamable and unusable. The trainer, a broken outcast himself, came to the defense of Seabiscuit by protesting to his frustrated owner, “You don’t throw a whole life away just cause it’s banged up a little.”

He saw promise in the midst of their problem.

And so it should be with you and me. In Romans 8, the apostle Paul assures us that no matter what we are up against, as followers of Jesus Christ – we are equipped in Him with all the power needed to overcome. “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37)

There are times we all struggle to see hope. Times when we want to throw in the towel, throw up our hands, and run the other way. Times when we believe our children are too far gone, our workplaces are too insufferable, our relationships are too complicated, our finances are too overwhelming, our marriages are too fragmented, and our health difficulties are too painful. What can we do in these times? Fix our eyes on God’s promises and provision instead of on our problems.

The richest lessons of life often come from the most painful pits we pass through. Pastor John Piper, in his book Desiring God, said it this way, “God, in love, will use whatever trials are necessary to intensify our savoring of his glory.” Every ounce of every struggle you face can be used to bring honor and glory to God if you will allow His grace to meet you in your weak and weary places. In Christ, and because of His perfect love – courage, hope, and strength are fully accessible each time you look to God in the midst of your problems.

Remember? You are born to be wild. Wild for Jesus. Wild with confidence and courage to press through resistance because of His faithful, redemptive love. Wild with purpose. Wildly surrendered to the will of God. Wildly obedient to His commands. Wildly led by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within you.

Take this to heart and remember who you were born to be. Believe beyond your brokenness today, knowing that God won’t throw a whole life away just cause it’s banged up a little.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, Your love is wild: untamable, unstoppable and unbreakable! Pour Your grace, healing, and strength on every struggle, weakness, and banged up area of my life. Help me to rise up and live with a wildly confident and courageous faith.

In Jesus’ name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Read Romans 8, then underline or journal any verses that connect with or challenge your heart. Finally, spend time in responsive prayer and worship.

Need PRAYERClick here to visit my blog. Leave a prayer request in the comments section. Then pause to pray for some of the other prayer needs on my wall. We’re all in this together, so let’s encourage one another!

More from the Girlfriends

Ready for a fresh adventure with God? Get Knowing God by Name by Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith, & Mary Southerland. This is the perfect book for individual study or for gathering a group of friends in what we call GiG Groups. With impactful devotions, study questions, journal pages, and free on-line video intros, this book is a resource you’ll refer to time-and-time again.

Gwen’s website is filled with videos, posts, songs and resources that will be a deep well of encouragement to you. Swing by to visit: Get 3 FREE SONGS download when you sign up for her blog!

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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 1311
Huntersville, NC 28070

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