Girlfriends in God - Apr. 26, 2007
Stepping Out in Faith
Today’s truth
“Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him.” (NCV)
Friend to Friend
I grew up in a small
But then we moved to
I had always thought of hurricanes as something that mankind could certainly do without but have recently learned that they are necessary phenomena in order to maintain a certain balance in nature. Scientists tell us that hurricanes are extremely valuable because they break up a large percentage of the oppressive heat that builds up at the equator. Hurricanes are also indirectly responsible for much of the rainfall in North and
The storms of life are much the same. Trials, pain, difficult circumstances and hard times are here to stay. We cannot stop the occurrence of storms but we can change our response to those storms. With every storm comes the opportunity to trust God and see faith grow. If you are like me, when the storm hits, my natural first response is a fervent plea for deliverance. Every day things happen that are beyond my understanding and out of my control. I often turn to God and ask, “Why?” What I really want to know is why me, why this, why now?
That is where faith comes in. Faith is a natural by-product of trust and follows the choice to believe God no matter what! He wants us to trust Him wholly, even when we do not understand and cannot explain the stormy circumstances swirling around us. When absolutely nothing makes sense and everything seems completely wrong He asks us to trust Him. Oh, it is easy to sing praises when the seas are calm and the boat is still. But the strength of our faith is justly measured in the midst of the raging storm. A job is lost – a marriage is destroyed – a child has strayed – a dream has died. It is in those bleak, seemingly hopeless moments that the value and depth of our faith is computed.
A crisis always reveals what is really inside. What life does to us depends on what life finds in us! Anything – any trial or pain – that drives us to God can be counted as a blessing. Faith sees the storm as a chance for God to work in a new way. Faith sees the darkness as an opportunity for His light to shine brighter. Faith sees pain as an opportunity for God to comfort and encourage His precious child.
The next time the storm churns around you step out of that rocking boat and walk by faith toward your waiting God.
Let’s pray
Lord, my faith seems so small. I confess that when a storm hits my first thought is to find a way out. Please give me the faith to walk through my fear to you, trusting you to see me through. Help me to learn the lesson of the storm and share it with others. Amen.
Now it’s your turn
Choose to believe that God is in control of today.
Determine to face the storms that come with faith.
Thank Him now for the trials that drive you to Him.
Read James 1:1-8. How do these verses tell me to view trials?
Read Hebrews 11. List the rewards of faith. How did faith influence the men and women listed in this passage?
More from the girls
God loves to see His children step out in faith, in blind trust, knowing that if He doesn’t come through, they are sunk!
For more on this topic, see Mary’s CD, “Stepping Out in Faith”.
Girlfriends in God
Matthews, NC 28106