Following God’s Path to Healing - Girlfriends in God - April 4, 2023
April 4, 2023
Following God’s Path to Healing
Joanna Teigen
Today’s Truth
So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy (2 Kings 5:14 NIV).
Friend to Friend
For years, I’ve struggled with a persistent health issue that lands me on the couch for days or weeks at a time. In the pursuit of healing, I’ve had scopes, scans, and tests. I’ve made trips to the clinic, the lab, and the emergency room. Supplements and medications gave only short-term relief. So tomorrow morning I’ll head to the hospital for outpatient surgery to resolve the problem once and for all.
Surgery is not the path to healing I would have chosen. It comes with pain and another stint on the couch. It will disrupt our family’s routine and force me to depend on others for help. I’ve been tempted to worry and complain even as the chance to be well is placed in my hands. And yet, it’s clear that surgery is God’s answer to prayers for healing. In obedience and trust, off I go!
I know that each of us is walking a unique path of healing today. For you, perhaps it’s a fight to regain your health. Or it’s repairing what’s broken in your marriage. It may be raising your sinking grade point average. Maybe it’s breaking the hold of addiction or getting out from under heavy debt. In whatever place of suffering you’re in today, God can lead the way—His way—to build you up again.
Yet God’s way is so often not the way we would choose. We see an example of this struggle in the Bible when the “valiant soldier” Naaman suffered an incurable skin disease (2 Kings 5:1). Most would look at Naaman and say he had it all. He held prestige as the army’s commander and right-hand man of the king. He had a family. Servants and attendants. Great wealth. Even so, his money and status were powerless to save his life.
What Naaman didn’t know was that God had a plan to restore his health. A young, God-fearing girl from Israel had been captured by raiders and put to work in Naaman’s household. This girl carried a message of hope that could change everything. She urged Naaman’s wife, saying, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy” (5:3).
Naaman went straight to the king, who immediately released him to pursue his cure. With horses and chariots, lavish gifts, and a letter from the king to pave the way, Naaman traveled to Israel. God’s prophet, Elisha, heard of it and said, “Have the man come to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel” (5:8). Naaman and his entourage made their way straight to Elisha’s door, ready for a miracle.
But what met him at the door was not the famous prophet Elisha, who would surely “stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure [him] of [his] leprosy” (5:11). Instead, a humble messenger came out and delivered Elisha’s simple instructions: “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed” (5:10). Where was the drama? The excitement? The great display of heavenly power? Angry and insulted, Naaman “turned and went off in a rage” (5:12).
You and I can resist God’s instructions for healing too, can’t we? It’s hard to hear that
we must leave a destructive relationship. Expose our struggles in therapy. Delete that social media app. Cut up the credit cards. Resign from the role that’s burning us out. Fill the prescription. Confess our sin. Our pain is a test of our trust in the God who wants to heal our lives.
Naaman’s servants were able to persuade him to surrender to Elisha’s instructions. He humbled himself, dipped in the river seven times, and “his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy” (5:14). His life was saved! Yet even better than the physical healing he received, Naaman discovered the one true God. The God of Israel became his God as he experienced His loving power.
Today, let’s take our wounds and worries to the God who loves us. Let’s humble our hearts to follow His lead. As we trust and obey, we’ll find hope and help. We’ll be changed. Our hearts will worship. We’ll discover that by surrendering to God’s plan, we’ll “have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Are you ready?
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, I need Your healing hand on my life. Show me the steps to take to be strong in my body, mind, and spirit. Give me a humble heart to accept and obey Your plan. Help me to trust You even if Your way is not what I would choose. Thank you for Your love that never lets me go. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It's Your Turn
What part of your life are you asking God to heal today?
Name one step He is directing you to take to move toward healing.
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© 2023 by Joanna Teigen. All rights reserved.