Girlfriends in God

Passion for His Fame - Girlfriends in God - August 7, 2017

August 7,  2017
Passion for His Fame
Logan Wolfram

Today’s Truth

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinthians 2:9-11, NIV).

Friend to Friend

There was a time I took a spiritual gifts test through my church. I wasn’t caught off guard by my strengths, but I was pleasantly surprised to see a few previously low-scoring areas move up a little bit. Honestly speaking though, there were still some areas that were just plain low … pretty deficient actually.

I literally came up with the lowest possible number on “worship”. And really, it’s because I don’t have a lick of natural inclination, talent, or skill when it comes to musical expression. But that doesn’t mean I can’t still be a “worshipper.”

We all have a tendency to let our natural bent define us, but does that mean we can’t excel in the areas where we naturally fall short? I know the Lord delights in my gifts, but is He bummed out that I’m not dominating certain areas with spiritual awesomeness?

One day, I went to a sandwich shop to pick up lunch with my kids. The guy behind the counter making our lunch had a black eye patch covering one of his eyes. It looked just like a pirate patch. I noticed it and was inwardly cringing as my 2 year old would not take his eyes off of this man. I was terrified by the possibility of what my son might say.

And then he pointed. With a chubby innocent finger, he pointed straight at the man and said, “Cool hair. Cool hair Mommy.”

The knot in my throat loosened as I sighed relief and noted that indeed, this man had a head full of really awesome looking dreadlocks.

In that moment, I heard the Lord clearly say, “You may think I’m taking note of your shortcomings when I look at you….but really I’m admiring the things I love about you. I am delighting in you, and so often you think I’m staring and picking you apart. I don’t misjudge you, my love, it is you who are misjudging me.”

Why do we worry that the Lord would focus on our deficiencies? Or even more, that those areas of shortcoming would disqualify us from any service of Him?! That I’m not “gifted” in an area, or that I fall short isn’t a hall-pass to be sedentary. It’s like we think that we have to be fit to even join the gym…that our skills and life have to be in order to serve.

Yet…YET, I hear the Great Qualifier say to me…to us, “My sweet ones, I delight in you. I don’t notice that you can’t sing…I see the worshipper inside of your heart. So come, and worship…I delight in all of YOU.”

Let us allow our passion for Him to bring fame to his name. Let us rely on the wonder of Him to fan the flame of Christ’s work in our lives…not any ability of our own. “Every good and perfect gift is from above” anyhow.

Let’s allow our lives to receive these gifts, only to point upwards to Him. And let us NOT allow that upward gaze to stray back to what we do or don’t do well. All to His glory…. ALL to His glory.

Our natural ability cannot define our response to Him. I don’t have to lead worship to be a worshipper. He sees the beauty in each of us, and even in our weaknesses, HE makes us strong. He doesn’t notice our eye patch, my friends, He’s admiring our cool hair.

Let’s Pray

Lord, thank you that you are gracious in our shortcomings. We confess that we forget that there is no condemnation for those that are in You--help us remember this and walk in freedom! Thank you for genuinely delighting in us. Let us rest in that. We are secure in You.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

What parts of you do you feel are “not enough?” Take those things to the Lord, and ask Him to show you the truth about how He sees you. What parts of you are worth celebrating? Speak them out loud and, by all means, celebrate them!

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Logan Wolfram would give you full access to her pantry if you lived next door. She is a plate-juggling mom and interior decorator turned author, speaker, and host of the Allume Conference. She is a passionate leader who desires to see women live fully in Christ. Logan and her husband, Jeremy, divide their time between wrangling two inquisitive boys and a 175-pound dog named Titan. They reside in Greenville, South Carolina. She blogs at

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