Girlfriends in God

Here Comes Trouble! - Girlfriends in God - January 13, 2017

January 13, 2017
Here Comes Trouble!
Lisa Morrone, PT

Today’s Truth

For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, BUT our eyes are on You (2 Chronicles 20:12b, NIV).

Friend to Friend

In life, it’s often said the question is not “Will trouble come?” - but rather “When?”

Trouble typically arrives unannounced. It comes in many forms: a job loss, an unfaithful spouse, a broken friendship, etc. For my family it came in the form of a diagnosis—an autoimmune disease that decided to attack my then-11-year-old daughter’s thyroid gland. It sent her heart racing, her weight dropping, her body trembling, and caused a great deal of her hair to fall out. It was downright frightening!

When your own immune system decides you are the enemy, how do you fight against that?

In the second book of Chronicles, we find the nation of Judah to be up against a mighty foe as well. A vast group of armies, intent on wiping God’s chosen people off the map of civilization, was headed their way. Under the leadership of God-honoring and quick-acting King Jehoshaphat, God trumped trouble that day and Judah came out the victor.

No stranger to trouble myself, the Lord has taught me to employ King Jehoshaphat’s wise method of facing the cares and concerns that come into my own life—especially the ones that seem poised to completely undo me.

King Jehoshaphat, upon hearing the news of what seemed to be impending doom, lost no time instituting a fast and calling on the Lord in prayer. In his prayers, the king reminded the Lord of his many promises. When my sweet girl fell ill, I followed suit. In prayer, with fasting, I cried out for the Lord to heal my daughter, and I reminded him that he was, indeed, the Healer (Jehovah Rapha) and the One capable of curing all diseases (Ps 103:3).

In response to Jehoshaphat’s imploring, the Lord then reminded him of something which I have needed to remind myself of in times of trouble: “Do not be afraid or discouraged…You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.” (2 Chronicles 20:15b, 17a)

The “positions” that King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah took began with them on their knees in worship. Following this, the people rose to their feet in praise to the Lord—in a VERY LOUD voice. I have decided that these two positions (or postures) will be my “go-to” act of warfare each and every time trouble finds its way to my doorstep.

Before the men of Judah could place one foot on the battlefield, the Lord had already finished the fight—having caused the approaching armies to fight and annihilate one another! My daughter’s battle, which pitted her thyroid gland against her own immune system, lasted for two long years. When she finally achieved a state of remission through medication, it only lasted for two months…because it was then that the Lord decided to step in and HEAL her completely! Her body became rid of all evidence that the disease ever existed—a highly unusual occurrence, her doctor remarked.

Let’s Pray

Thank you, Jesus, for entering our battlefields ahead of us, your children. Lord, we commit to worship and praise You in both bountiful and trying times. While our human emotion of fear is natural, it’s what we do about it that can lead us into the realm of the SUPERNATURAL.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It's Your Turn

The next time you are faced with trouble, unleash Heaven’s power through prayer, fasting, worship and praise. Then stand back, ladies—and watch what your God will do on your behalf!

More from the Girlfriends

Click here to find out more about Lisa Morrone, PT. Lisa is a physical therapist, professor, author of six books, radio guest and event speaker who encourages people to “Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake.” Visit Lisa’s website for more information and to sign up to receive her informative “Monday Morning Health Tips”!

Overcoming Overeating(Harvest House Publishers) is one of Lisa Morrone’s six books in her “Restoring Your Temple” health resource collection. These books are available on,,or wherever books are sold.

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