Girlfriends in God

Girlfriends in God - July 16, 2009

July 16, 2009 
Will Somebody Please Pick Me? 
Mary Southerland

Today’s Truth 
Psalm 139:14-16 “I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well. You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother's body. When I was put together there, you saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old" (NCV).

Friend To Friend 
I can still remember the terror I felt each time my elementary teacher announced, "Today, we will play softball at recess." My stomach clenched in dread as I contemplated the tortuous hour stretching out before me. I hated playing softball because I was a terrible athlete! Overweight, I huffed and puffed around the bases…if I ever got lucky enough to hit the elusive softball.  I had no idea how to wear a softball glove, so the thought of actually trying to catch the ball was terrifying. I was always assigned to the outfield where few balls came and where I had the least chance of doing any damage.

The most horrible part of the whole experience was the dreaded team selection process.  It was always the same.  Two captains were chosen, usually Sarah and Tim because they were slender, attractive and popular - everything I was not.  Sarah and Tim would step to the pitcher's mound and begin the process of choosing their teams. I can still remember trying to look as if I didn’t care that everyone around me was defecting to the other side while I waited, praying that I would hear my name called by somebody … anybody.  I was usually one of three or four children left standing, staring at the preferred ones already taking their positions on the field.  Sarah usually took pity on me and picked me before Jeff and Alicia.  At least I wasn’t the last one chosen. 

We tend to find our identity and worth in the fact that we are chosen by someone.  Take sheep for example.  Every shepherd chose his sheep - one by one - with great deliberation, thought and care.  A choice implies ownership, pursuit and a deliberate action on the part of the one doing the choosing. 

Over the years, I have spent a great deal of my life energy and priceless time in an ongoing attempt to validate my identity. Much of the pain, frustration and stress I experienced could have been avoided by simply remembering whose I am - a chosen child, a daughter of the King, and an indispensable part of God's heart.  That’s right!  I am indispensable to no one but God.  No one can take my place in my Father’s heart. 

The knowledge that I am chosen frees me to serve Him whole-heartedly and boldly without bowing to the unrealistic expectations imposed by others and by my own fragile heart.  The knowledge that He created me allows me to embrace the gifts He has given me and encourages me to strain every choice, every decision through the filter of God’s perfect plan for my life.  Knowing whose I am draws my attention away from both the critics and the cheerleaders in life and fixes my gaze on the only one I have to please … God. 

God is an up-close and personal God.  He met Nicodemus at night; He met the woman at the well of Samaria; He met the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda and He touched the blind man, giving him sight. As He walked through Jericho, Jesus saw a little man perched in a tree and called to him, "Zacchaeus, come down. We have a lunch appointment." He met Matthew at the customs' table and told him, "Rise, and follow me."  We come to Jesus alone.  There are no "group rates" when it comes to knowing God.  It’s always one-on-one and very personal. What you believe about Him in the silence and stillness of your own heart is what makes the difference in your life journey. The heart is where all spiritual transactions are made and the transformation process begins. 

Knowing whose we are settles our souls and directs our steps toward the path God intended when He shaped us. You and I were created as a living, fleshed out depiction of God’s love. Just think of it!  God Himself supervised our formation.  We were created in love – for love – with a specific and holy purpose in mind.  We can rejoice with the Psalmist who wrote, “Know that the Lord is God. He made us, and we belong to him; we are his people, the sheep he tends” (Psalm 100:3 NCV).

Let’s Pray 
Father, I praise You simply because You made me.  Thank You for loving me unconditionally.  Help me to remember that love with every breath and every step.  When others reject me, draw my heart back to the fact that Your acceptance and love cancels out that pain.

In Jesus’ name, 

Now It’s Your Turn  

  • Write down five positive things about who you are and how God created you.  Praise God for each one.
  • Choose one negative opinion that you have about yourself.  Hold that opinion up against the message of today’s key truth.
  • Make it a habit of prayer that you will learn to see your worth in Christ alone.
  • Memorize Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.  Before you were born, I set you apart.” 

More From The Girlfriends 
Misunderstanding our worth in Christ is a foothold for the enemy to slither into our heart and mind, planting doubt and fear. Don’t let that happen! Let’s pray for each other, asking the Father to let us see ourselves the way He sees us.  Amen!

Need help? Check out Mary’s book, Escaping the Stress Trap, for ways to deal with the stress in your life.  Mary also has an online Bible Study, Light for the Journey that offers encouragement and tools for spiritual growth.  Visit Mary’s online store for MP3 downloads and E-book Bible Studies, CDs and special gift items.  

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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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