Girlfriends in God

Come to Me - Girlfriends in God - March 1, 2019

March 1, 2019
Come to Me
Wendy Speake

Today’s Truth

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, NIV).

Friend to Friend

Since the start of the new year, three words have been ringing in my ears: “Come to Me.” Matthew 11:28 has been hidden in my heart for as long as I can remember, but recently I’ve heard the Lord speak this intimate invitation to me personally, in light of all the things I tend to run to, turn to, “come” to.

“Come to Me.”

As I turn to comfort food: “Come to Me, I’m the Great Comforter.”
As I turn on my computer; “Come to Me, I want to connect with you.”
As I head into Target for a little retail therapy, “Come to Me, let me be your Counselor.”
As I make a phone call to talk through my stress with a friend; “Come to Me… Call on Me!
As I turn into Starbucks for something sweet; “Come to Me, my words are sweet as honey.”
As I scroll through Facebook; “Don’t follow them, follow Me. Come to Me.”
As I open up Amazon Prime; “Come to Me, I’m free and I’ll set you free!”
As I binge watch another late-night TV show; “Come. To. Me.”

“Come to Me.”

There are so many things that I mindlessly “come to” each day — so many things that I eat, read, watch, buy, consume… But God is speaking clearly to me: “Come to me, consume Me, and let me consume you.”

Are you weary and heavy laden? Experiencing a void that social media, food, and shopping simply can’t fill? Take the weight of it all to the Lord. If you’re worn out, exhausted, running to all the false gods this world has to offer… take it all to Him. He has the shoulders to carry your burdens. The One who shouldered the cross, can shoulder your pain. It’s what He does. Amazon Prime can’t do it. Facebook can’t do it. Brownies can’t do it for you either. It’s not their job. It’s God’s job.

“Come to Me.”

He is able to carry your hurting relationships square on His shoulders. He can handle your fears and your failures. He can carry your sin-struggles and your shame. He alone can carry the weight of it all, all the way up Calvary’s hill. And at the foot of the cross, He can lay it down on your behalf. In exchange for those heavy burdens, He offers His light yoke. That’s what He gives us when we give it all to Him.

“Come. Come to Me. Bring it all to Me, and I will give you rest.”

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, Your Word isn’t a far off and long-ago record of an old and distant God. You are speaking clearly today to my listening heart. “Come to Me” You’re inviting me now. Holy Spirit, give me Your in-dwelt courage to stop turning to social media, to stop turning to my phone, to stop turning to shopping and eating and friendship with this world… none of those things have ever been able to alleviate my stress of lift my burdens. Give me the constant, kind conviction to come to You, with all that concerns me today.

In Jesus’ heavy-lifting Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Sweet friends, where have you been taking your burdens? Whether it’s to the gym or the mall or online… consider today how temporary those things are. Only Christ is eternal, every other solution is fleeting at best.

More from the Girlfriends

If you tend to take everything that concerns you to your online friends, as a means to alleviate your daily burdens, consider joining Wendy Speake for her annual 40 Day Social Media Fast this Lenten season, March 6th – April 18th. A Social Media Sabbatical may be just what you need to help you turn to Him (“come” to Him) daily. Sign up now and receive a journal template, 40 scripture memory cards, and a decorate screen saver to encourage you during the 40 Day Social Media Fast.

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