Girlfriends in God

Rerouting Wrong Ways - Girlfriends in God - March 13, 2018

March 13, 2018
Rerouting Wrong Ways
Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” (Acts 9:3-4)

Friend to Friend

He had no idea that he was moving in a dangerous direction. The cute, little box turtle was just trying to get where he was going. Doing what turtles do. Thinking what turtles think. The fact that he was crossing a busy road that is paved for fast moving cars, not slow crawling reptiles, wouldn’t have even entered his tiny turtle brain.

I’m a fan of turtles. Always have been. Maybe it’s because they look tough on the outside, but are really softies on the inside. Maybe it’s because they seem shy and vulnerable when they retreat into their shells and pretend that nobody’s home. Maybe it’s because for a brief time as a kid I had a pet turtle named Raspberry… because I found him when I was picking raspberries. {I’m a clever pet-namer.} Not sure that there’s one reason in particular, but I do like turtles.

And I had to do something.

If I didn’t help him out, there was a high chance that his field trip to the pavement would’ve ended disastrously. I cared about his cute, little shelled-self so I quickly, and safely, pulled over to the side of the road and intervened. He wasn’t able to see the danger of his actions, so I picked him up and moved him to a safe place; to the grass near the swampy area.

In the days of the early church a man named Saul was full of murderous threats and was moving in the wrong direction. Like my turtle friend, he had no idea. Saul, a Pharisee, sincerely thought he was doing the right things, acting the right ways, and following the right rules. But he wasn’t. His behaviors and convictions were actually opposed to the very God he believed that he was representing and defending.

So the Lord intervened one day as Saul walked along a road in Damascus on his way to arrest some people who didn’t believe as he believed. (Acts 9:2) He couldn’t see the danger of what he was doing, so Jesus paid him an illuminating visit that struck him blind so that he might know and see the truth.

In order to save him.

To reroute his wrong ways and point him in the direction of life.

Saul’s personal encounter with Jesus changed him. All of him. Even his name! (Which was eventually changed from Saul to Paul.) From the time of his rerouting, Saul humbled himself before the Lord and worked hard to go where God wanted him to go: to help reroute other wandering hearts toward the salvation and hope of Jesus Christ.

One of the evidences that someone has a genuine relationship with the Lord is the willingness to search their heart and ask God to show them what needs changed. Sometimes in life we can move in the wrong direction, away from the will of God, and not even realize it.

You might be blinded by an anger that you feel justified hanging onto. Perhaps you think that flirting with that guy on social media isn’t hurting anyone. Maybe you need rerouted from unhealthy eating patterns, addictions, insecurities, or maxed out anxieties. Know this, Jesus wants to reroute every wrong way and move you to the safest place: the center of His will.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, Please show me the ways that my heart needs rerouted and give me the courage, desire, and determination to move in the direction that you lead.

In Jesus’ Name I pray,

Now It’s Your Turn

Read the story of Paul’s conversion: Acts 9:1-19.

Might there be a way that God wants to reroute your heart today? Spend some time in prayer and ask Him to help you see His will clearly. Then move in that direction.

NEED PRAYER? Click here to visit my blog community and share your prayer needs in the comments section. Then pause to pray for the needs of others that have posted.

More from the Girlfriends

Did today’s message resonate with you? If so, let Gwen come along side of you in your journey. I WANT IT ALL is a book filled with relatable stories, Scriptural depth, and practical points for personal application.And it has a Bible Study guide included in the back! Order yours today from Amazon, or get a signed copy from her website.

SPECIAL OFFER:Gwen is offering a 20% OFF discount on the I Want It ALL book from her site when you use the coupon code: 20OFF. Click here to get yours now.

Stay up with Gwen on her blog, and connect with her on Facebook & Instagram.

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