Girlfriends in God - May 21, 2008
May 21, 2008
Cleaning the Glass
Today’s Truth
“You are the light of the world” (Matthew
Friend to Friend
I was sitting in a restaurant with several girlfriends when the subject of movies came up. Two of the moms had seen a film and the others were trying to decide if it was suitable for their teenage boys.
“Did it have any bad language?” Jean asked.
“I don’t know,” Candy replied. “I can’t remember. Maybe a little.”
“It had a lot!” Wendy exclaimed.
“What about sex scenes. Was there any of that in it?” Jean asked.
“No, I don’t think so,” Candy answered.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Wendy piped in. “Don’t you remember…..?”
I thought, “Forget the boys. What are you women watching that movie for in the first place!”
The Bible says that the eye is the window to the soul, and so many times we allow the soot of the world to build up in our own souls and we cannot see clearly ourselves.
I tend to see us women as lighthouses on the shore, pointing others to the safe
Elizabeth George, in her book, A Woman After God’s own Heart, describes removing the soot as “the great exchange.” She says, “Away from the world and hidden from public view, I exchange my weariness for His strength, my weakness for His power, my darkness for His light, my problems for His solutions, my burdens for His freedom, my frustrations for His peace, my turmoil for His calm, my hopes for his promises, my afflictions for His balm of comfort, my questions for his answers, my confusion for His knowledge, my doubt for His assurance, my nothingness for His awesomeness, the temporal for the eternal, and the impossible for the possible.” That’s what I call a powerful window cleaner!
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, I’ve looked at things I should not have looked at. I’ve watched programs when I should have changed the channel. I’ve sat in movies and filled my mind with images, ideas and messages that are not pleasing to You. For this, I repent. I commit today to guard my heart, my eyes and my ears. My body is the
In Jesus’ Name,
Now it’s Your Turn
Think back over the movies that you have watched in the past few months. Would you have been embarrassed if Jesus came in and sat down right beside you with His box of popcorn? (He was there.)
Think back over the TV programs that you have watched over the past few months. Would you have been embarrassed if Jesus stepped into the room and sat down with you on the couch? (He was there.)
Now I’m getting in your business! Now God is getting into mine! We’re in this thing together.
More from the Girlfriends
Need a good window washing? Want to experience radical change? If so, you might want to start with Sharon’s book, Experience the Ultimate Makeover, Discovering God Transforming Power.
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