Girlfriends in God - Nov. 17, 2006
Hearing Check
Today's Truth
“Do not quench the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians
Friend to Friend
The Holy Spirit speaks to us to convict us of sin, but sometimes I think we have “spiritual wax build up” which causes us to have a difficult time hearing His voice! In my own life, when the Holy Spirit speaks to me concerning a particular sin, it is almost as if He is screaming at me to stop and think about what I’m getting ready to do or the potential consequences of my unholy actions. If I ignore His promptings, the next time His voice isn’t quite as loud. Eventually, if I continue to choose to ignore the Holy Spirit’s voice, I may not hear His voice at all. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “Do not put out the Holy Spirit’s fire” (I Thessalonians
Let’s say I turn the television to a program that I know God would not want me to watch. I feel the Holy Spirit’s conviction and sense Him speaking to me to turn the television off and not fill my mind with visions and words that are unpleasing to God. If I ignore the Holy Spirit and watch the program, it is like I get “spiritual wax build up” and the next time the Holy Spirit speaks, His voice is not quite as clear. I believe with all my heart that turning a deaf ear to the Holy Spirit’s conviction in our lives will lead to a serious case of hearing loss. The only solution is repentance – which is more than saying, “I’m sorry,” but turning and going in the opposite direction.
Once someone accepts Jesus as his or her personal Savior, the Holy Spirit comes and takes up residence in that person. (Romans 8:8-9). “You yourselves are God’s temple and God’s Spirit lives in you” (I Corinthians
Let's Pray
Dear Lord, thank You for the Holy Spirit who convicts me of sin. Help me to have the will power to heed His voice and obey quickly. Please forgive me for the times I have ignored the Holy Spirit’s promptings and proceeded to act like a stubborn child who ignores her mother’s warnings. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now it's Your Turn
Are there certain activities or areas of your life in which you have felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit?
If so, have you made changes? Stopped watching a particular TV program? Discontinued a relationship? Changed the way you dress? Changed an eating habit? ETC?
Do you need your “ears” cleaned out? One of the best ways to keep “spiritual ear wax” from building up is to start each day reading God’s Word and praying. Write out a prayer making a commitment to God to listen to His voice through the pages of your Bible and the Holy Spirit’s prompting.
*All Scriptures are taken from the NIV unless otherwise noted.
For more on today’s topic see Becoming a Woman who Listens to God by Sharon Jaynes.
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