I Know What It’s Like to Fall - Girlfriends in God - November 20, 2019
November 20, 2019
I Know What It’s Like to Fall
Gwen Smith
Today’s Truth
When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. (Psalm 94:18)
Friend to Friend
I can fall with the best of them. Really. It’s almost a spiritual gift for me. When I was in second grade, Mr. Traynor came once a week to take me out of Mrs. Bryan’s classroom for an “extra phys-ed class.” I loved getting out of bookwork to juggle beanbags and play fun games with Mr. Traynor in the gym and I thought it was so cool that I had the privilege of extra playtime. Yay me.
Years later I learned that “Mr. Traynor time” was actually a special school program to help kids with under-developed coordination. Yay me. Ahem.
Back in those young, uncoordinated days of mine, my family vacationed at the south Jersey shore. We stayed in a big, white Victorian beach house with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins just across the street from the boardwalk in Cape May. In the evenings, we’d walk up and down the boardwalk as a family and one year I fell off two different times. Two. Fell about four feet down. Once onto the hood of a parked car.
See? Gifted.
“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your love, O Lord, supported me.” (Psalm 94:18) This verse in Psalm 94 makes the invisible truth of God’s supportive love visible to my slippy-soul today. Love is so much more powerful than I know. So much more present in God’s heart for me than I realize.
God’s love supports us when we slip.
And I know what it’s like to slip. Not just on boardwalks. I know what it’s like to slip by reacting in anger with my husband or kids. To say or think unkind words. To prioritize everyone and everything else above the Lord...
Yeah. I know what it’s like to slip, and I realize now I’m often blinded to the love that catches me.
I want to know what it looks like to have His love support me. I want to see it. Be aware. Be more grateful. God’s love support is a reality for His people, but I often fail to see it. Lord, give me eyes to see!
When I see things, they seem more real to me. Even though they’re real just the same, whether I see them or not.
Though my lack of awareness doesn’t negate their existence, it can keep me from the gratitude and peace I should have in response.
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord,Please forgive me for the times I doubt the goodness of Your plans, timing and interest in me. For the times I doubt You see and hear me. For the ways I dismiss Your intimate, unfailing love that picks me up when I fall, catches me when I slip, and calms me when I’m anxious. Thank You for promising that You will never reject Your people or forsake Your inheritance. Thank You for Your personal love for me. I love you too, Lord.
In Jesus’ Name,
Now It’s Your Turn
Read Psalm 94. Grab your journal and write out a prayer of response.
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