Girlfriends in God

Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus - Girlfriends in God - October 18, 2019

October 2019
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Wendy Speake

Quote: His peace is in us when our trust is in Him.

Today’s Truth

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. (Isaiah 26:3, ESV)

Friend to Friend

Sometimes when I wake up early in the morning, a Bible verse comes immediately to mind. Other times it’s a lyric to an old, familiar hymn. This morning these words greeted me with the sun: “‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word. Just to rest upon His promise. Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord.’”

I sang it softly in the shower and I hummed it over the stove, as I scrambled eggs for my children before sending them off to school. When I curled up on the couch with my Bible shortly after, I remembered then searched for the scripture above. I love how the old songs of our faith often point us to the wonderful Word of God. This time I was lead directly to Isaiah 26:3.

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”

I’m always delighted to see how different words jump off the same old Bible pages that have been read and re-read countless times before. This morning it was the itty-bitty word “in” that challenged and grew my faith. God keeps us in perfect peace when our trust is in Him. His peace is in us when our trust is in Him.


I’m not a girl who typically looks for simple solutions or faith formulas. But there is one tried and true equation where a+b always equals c. When I fix my faith on Him, He fixes me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not always physically fixed, but He’s always there to bind me up and make me spiritually whole. When my trust is in Him, His peace is in me, regardless of the circumstances. And that brings me back to the song that wooed me to wakefulness this morning: “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus…”

When I look with honest eyes at my mad-dash days, running from one activity to the next, one responsibility to another, I recognize that often I am putting my trust in places, people, and my own productivity. But none of those things have ever been able to propel me toward peace, or plant peace in me. Trusting in my own productivity to get a job done, might get the job done, but it doesn’t fill me with His peace in the process. Trusting in that caffeinated drink to get me through a stressful morning, might give me enough energy, but it never gives me peace. Trusting the school to help me teach my child; trusting my husband to get home from work in time to help me get three kids to three different evening events; and trusting in Amazon Prime to get me everything I need in two short days…  isn’t the equation that leads to peace or pleasure. Trusting in Jesus must be at the core of our lives each day, if we want the peace of Christ in our core each long day. 

Do you want the sweet life? The peaceful life? Not just the hurried, get-her-done, successful life? Do you want the peaceful life that Christ-in-you affords? Simply put your trust in Him and He’ll put His peace in you today… and every day. That’s the sweet life.

Let’s Pray

Dear Father,

Thank You for inviting me to trust You with my overwhelming day. Holy Spirit, please help me to fix my eyes and my mind on You — not on my abilities to get it all done with the help of caffeine. Help me to put my trust in You, as I eagerly anticipate the peace You’ve promised to put in me. Fill me up with Your sweet peaceful-presence as I sing, “Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh for grace to trust You more.”


Now It’s Your Turn

Sweet friend, trusting God with your days unlocks the sweet life He came to give you. The sweet life of His presence is always there for the taking. When you run to Starbucks to get you through your mornings, and a constant flow of sweet treats to get you through your days, you might miss out on the presence, power, peace, and person of Christ Himself. It was never sugar or caffeine’s job to get you through your days. That has always been God’s job.

What are you turning to each long day to get you through? Have you put your trust in Him? Has He put His peace in You? That’s the sweetest life.

More from the Girlfriends

Wendy Speake hosts an annual 40 Day Sugar Fast for women who long to turn to the Lord instead of sugar to get them through their days. For forty days you’ll fast from sugar and feast on the satisfying sweetness of Christ. Put your trust in Him… not in your pantry! Grab a copy of The 40 Day Sugar Fast book today, and join the online community at Our next community fast begins January 6, 2020.

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