Girlfriends in God

Girlfriends in God - October 24, 2011


October 24, 2011
Giving Back
Sharon Jaynes

Today’s Truth
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15, NIV)

Friend to Friend
My husband sat across the table with a friend who was raising money for their university Alma Mater. The friend was giving a large sum – a very large sum.

“The reason I am giving so much to the school building project is because I owe them so much,” he enthusiastically explained.  “If it weren’t for the school, I wouldn’t have this great career and this lifestyle that I enjoy. No telling what I’d be doing. The amount I’m giving is the least I can do as my way of saying thanks. I owe them so much.

Steve and I know this person very well. He’s brilliant and would be successful no matter what school he had attended or what profession he selected. But he felt an incredible amount of gratitude to his school for the education and training he had received.

As I reflected on Steve’s lunch conversation, God spoke to my heart. See, this man was willing to give because of the education he had received. How much more should I want to give to God because of the eternal life I have received?  For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son and whoever believes in Him will never perish but have eternal life!  What a sacrifice. What love. What an inheritance. What an education. What an opportunity to receive abundant life – the best “lifestyle” of all.

Jesus said, “I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly,” (John10:10).  More than an academic education, more than a skill to produce a good income, more than any other man-made institution or ideal, it is God to Whom I owe my gratitude.

Oh how I love Him! Oh how I appreciate Him! Oh how I owe Him for all that I am and ever will be. Where would I be without Him? Thinking about this friend’s burning desire to repay the school for all they had done to contribute to his success has compounded my desire to give to God for all He’s done for me.  

Let’s Pray
Dear Father, I am overflowing with gratitude for all You have done for me.  My life is but a breath, and yet, You loved me enough to give Your one and only Son to pay for sin. I give You my day. I give You my life. May Your incredible gift be ever on my mind today.
In Jesus’ name,

Now It’s Your Turn
Name a person who has made a big impact in your life for good.

What did that person do for you? 

Now, write down what God has done for you. What did He do on your behalf?

How can you give back to Him?  I’d love to hear your answer.  Let’s chat at

More from the Girlfriends
Did you know that Sharon has a devotion book filled with devotions just like the ones you read on Girlfriends in God?  It is titled Extraordinary Moments with God.  It is a small padded covered book that can fit right in your purse!  A perfect gift. See all of Sharon’s books and other resources on her website.

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Matthews, NC 28106

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