Girlfriends in God Daily Devotional for Women

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Leaving Home - Girlfriends in God - October 31, 2018

October 31, 2018
Leaving Home
Lisa Morrone, PT

Today’s Truth

From one man He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live (Acts 17:26, HCSB).

Friend to Friend

Abraham, or Abram, as he was first named, was called by God to leave home…and to go. Where to, you ask? Great question. I’m sure Abram asked the very same one. The answer? “…to the land I will show you.”

Huh, so that’s it? Just leave? Follow you, Lord, with blind trust?

Yes, Abram. Just leave…and go. I will show you where to make each turn along the way, but on a “need to know” basis.

A former pastor of mine once said, “Just as it’s easier to steer a car that’s already rolling forward, it’s easier for the Lord to move a person who’s already in motion.” I guess this is as true for you and me today as it was for Abram way back then.

As Christ-followers, many of us are prone to hang back and ask God to reveal ALL the details He has in store for our future BEFORE we will commit to leaving our familiar surroundings (location of residence, job title, ministry role). But I ask you, sister, is this really trust on our part? Or is it calculated, weighed, and measured “obedience”?

In my own life’s journey, the Lord has, many times, asked me to vacate my present ministry, job role—and most recently, my state of residence—to follow Him. Early on, I admit, I was a full-fledged foot dragger…slow to obey, begging for all the details before I would step out in “faith” and go.  But as the years have gone by, Jesus has been calling me to a purer, more mature level of obedience—the kind that says, “Yes, Lord,” and obeys, rather than asking for a detailed itinerary so I can weigh out all the pros and cons of my action or inaction.

Twelve years ago, I was smack dab in the middle of co-directing Vacation Bible School at my church when the Lord told me my role as Co-Director was finished. What?! I exclaimed. “I am such a perfect fit for this position! I’ve implemented so many important changes that have improved the effectiveness of this program ten-fold!” I think He agreed with me, but nevertheless, I was to move on. “But to where?” I asked. No answer.

Five months later, the Lord called me to write books on health for the purpose of enabling His Army to age well, live long, and serve strong. After six, published books, I see His point. He had something else for me to do to advance His Kingdom.

Presently, my obedience challenge is to relocate from New York to Virginia. In order to “Go,” I must leave home—which includes the house I raised my children in, my physical therapy practice, my college teaching position, my church family, and my friends—many of whom I’ve known and loved for over 20 years!

But this I know from looking back: my future, when placed in the Lord’s hands, always accomplishes what’s best for His Kingdom and for myself as his daughter. With every act of obedience on my part, I grow, and as I do, I’m always amazed at what the Lord can accomplish with my small offering. 

Really, friends, isn’t this what we all long for? To witness the Lord at work in and through us? To be directed and used by God to accomplish His will on earth?

The Lord has great plans for us—things for us to do, places for us to live, people for us to impact. Praise God, we do not need to figure it all out from point A. We simply need to respond in obedience to the next thing the Lord is prompting us to do.

Let’s Pray

My Lord and my God, be my vision when I cannot see past today. Call me out to the great unknown where you are already at work. Give me the privilege of working alongside you, my Master. I will leave, and I will go, where and when you ask me to. I promise.

In your Mighty Name, Jesus, I pray,


Now It's Your Turn

What or where have you been feeling led by the Lord to leave? How long have you been hearing, yet resisting? What are your hesitations? Talk this over with Jesus and commit to Him your willingness to release what you know and to grab hold of what He knows is best.

More from the Girlfriends

Sleep Well Again (Harvest House Publishers) is one of Lisa’s six books in her Restoring Your Temple® health resource collection. Lisa Morrone, PT is a physical therapist, professor, author of six books, radio guest and event speaker who encourages people to “Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake.” Visit Lisa’s website for more information and to sign up to receive her informative “Monday Morning Health Tips!”Her books are available on,, or wherever books are sold.

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