Girlfriends in God

Healer of the Broken - Girlfriends in God - July 19, 2013

July 19, 2013
Healer of the Broken
Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

Friend to Friend

I love my girlfriends. I love doing life with friends who “get me.” I love having tangles of conversations over hot coffee that are stranded together with light-hearted laughter, rich revelations, loads of love, treasures of time and gobs of grace.

Though sharing beautiful life-moments is always fun, some of the most powerful blessings of friendship for me have been found in broken places. In the trenches. Those places where our troubles and fears scream loudly and long to be quieted by the understanding heart of a friend. Times when we rise up to encourage one another with God’s promises, share reminders of His truth, extend challenges to believe, offer prayers for problems and speak hope to a sister who’s hurting.

A few years ago, after a long conversation with a girlfriend who was in a painfully broken place, I was burdened. Heavily. Her shared-pain had become my pain. I ached for her to experience the hope of Christ in and through her hurt. Though she knew the Lord, she felt like her prayers were falling on deaf divine ears. She needed me to listen, to cry with her and to take her right back to Jesus. As I prayed for my friend and considered her burdens, I was inspired to write a song of encouragement. I later co-wrote a song with her in mind.

I’m not sure where this message of hope finds you. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that God cares and that He is compassionate. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that God sees us, knows us, hears us and loves us. That He is faithful, powerful and never wastes a hurt. Perhaps you need a word of encouragement today. Perhaps you know a friend who needs this word. The best thing we can do for our friends is to love them and point them to Jesus.

The song I co-wrote is called Healer of the Broken. Read the lyric and then click the link below to listen to the song.

Healer Of The Broken

by Gwen Smith and Sue C. Smith

Oh wounded heart
My hurting friend
Desperate and afraid
You’re not invisible
Someone knows the pain you’re in
You can run to Him 

The Healer of the broken
The friend to every sinner
Who knows the sorrow of each scar
Every time you call on
The Savior who is waiting
He will meet you where you are
And heal your broken heart

He knows your name
Each midnight fear
When you try to hide
Or fight for one more breath
Love will be your safe retreat
He will give you peace

 In every valley
In every pain
Jesus is with you
Just call His name
Call His name

Turn on your speakers and CLICK HERE to listen to the song Healer of the Broken.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, Thank you for reminding me that You hear the cries of your children and that You are a God who loves to bring beauty to our broken. Please meet me where I am today and give me the grace to grow through these trials.

In Jesus’ Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Galatians 6:2 tells us to, “bear one another’s burdens.” What or who comes to mind as you read this?

Read and contemplate the following Scripture passage: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.” (Psalm 34:18) How does this make you feel?

More From The Girlfriends
30 Day Summer Psalm Adventure:How would you like to join your girlfriends and thousands of other women in a FREE interactive Bible study? If you are ready to go deeper with God by searching and savoring His Word, click over to the 30 Day Summer Psalm Adventure sign up page on Gwen's website and register today!

The song Healer of the Broken is featured on Gwen’s Uncluttered CD. You can download the song from iTunes or Amazon– or order her CDs on

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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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