Girlfriends in God

Her Story, My Story, Your Story - Girlfriends in God - Apr. 25, 2013

Her Story, My Story, Your Story
Sharon Jaynes
Today’s Truth

[God said ] “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters” (2 Corinthians 6:18).

Friend to Friend

Once upon a time, not so very long ago or far away, a baby girl was born to parents who could not keep her. Neither parent was willing to release her for adoption, but neither was able to care for her. So while the legal system shuffled her case back and forth, the baby girl grew into a toddler in a foster home.

Her care was certainly adequate, her physical needs were met, and she never went hungry. Her clothes, though not new, were never dirty. Her toys, though not her own, were always sufficient. This little girl was not mistreated or abused, and yet, in her heart was a hollow space. She desperately wanted what she had never had—a mommy and a daddy of her own.

Only a few doors from the foster home lived a kind couple with a teenage son. The family wanted a little girl, the little girl needed a family, and the details of a trying and lengthy adoption were worked out. And while this little girl received a wonderful mommy and an adoring big brother, her relationship with her daddy was extra special.

Ashley was two-years-old when she entered his life. She was thin, pale, and clingy. By the time the adoption was finally complete, she was almost three. Ashley had never seen the ocean, eaten a Happy Meal, or slept in a bed in a room of her own. A few months after the adoption, Ashley traveled to the beach for her first family reunion. She was overwhelmed with excitement and pride. She had received so much so fast, and it was hard to take it all in. Ashley asked everyone she met if they were part of her family. “Are you my aunt?” “Are you my uncle?” “Are you my cousin?” She ran from person to person showering hugs and kisses on her newly acquired family. “l love you!” she told them. “I love you all!”

When her new daddy took her to McDonald’s for the first time, Ashley didn’t join the other children on the playground equipment. She was too busy asking important questions: “Do you have a daddy? I have a daddy! See, that’s my daddy over there,” she exclaimed with excitement and wonder. “Isn’t he wonderful?”

“What’s your name?” she asked. “My name is Ashley Jordan Ambrose, just like my daddy. I’m named after my daddy!”

Five years later, tanned, transformed, and confident, Ashley returned to the annual family reunion. This time she brought a scrapbook of pictures to share with anyone who would sit still long enough to look and listen.

“This is my story,” she would say. “See, this is where I lived before Mommy and Daddy adopted me. They picked me out special. See, this is my room now. It’s all my own. And these are my toys and my own clothes, and here’s a picture of my kitty and one of my dog and . . .”

Ashley has love overflowing for everyone, but no one is higher on her list than her daddy. He knows how to polish toenails, drip sand castles, tie hair ribbons, hold her in the night—and he calls her his little princess.

I love that story, because you see, I too have been adopted by my Heavenly Father – and He calls me his little princess. And friend, that is also true for you.

Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father, O how I love You. Thank you for adopting me into Your family and making me Your child. Thank You for being my heavenly parent who loves me unconditionally, cares for me unendingly, and provides for all my needs. I am so blessed to be Your child.

In Jesus  Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Look up these verses and note what you learn about being a child of God.

Romans 8:15-17

2 Corinthians 6:18

1 John 3:1

Make a list of characteristics of the perfect father. Now put a check by the ones that you have experienced in God.

Click over to my blog post and tell me 5 of your favorite characteristics of God as Your Heavenly Father.

More from the Girlfriends

I don’t know about you, but for most of us, life doesn’t usually turn out the way we had hoped. Broken dreams litter life. But here’s the good news! God has a purpose and a plan. HE has a more amazing plan for you than you ever imagined. If you have lost sight of your dreams, grab onto God’s hand and travel to a place you thought you’d never find. The dreams God had planned for you all along.  I’m offering a special offer to my blog readers for the month of April.  Buy 1 copy of Dreams of a Woman: God’s Plan for Fulfilling Your Dreams and get one free. When you purchase 1 copy, we’ll ship you 2. It won’t show up on your receipt, but 2 will show up in your package. This is only for the month of April.  Only for my blog readers.

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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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