Girlfriends in God

When You Can’t Breathe, Buddy Breathe - Girlfriends in God - June 25, 2013

June 25, 2013
When You Can’t Breathe, Buddy Breathe

Sharon Jaynes

Today’s Truth

“All Scripture is God-breathed,” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV).

Friend to Friend

“Let’s go scuba diving!” a friend exclaimed one hot summer day.

“That sounds great,” I said. “But I don’t know how.”

“Just leave it to me,” he said.

 I was 17 when I decided to go scuba diving with some friends. I had no training and should not have been in deep water, but I was young and threw caution to the wind. The friend who took me below the surface of the deep strapped an oxygen tank on his back, a mask on his face, and flippers on his feet. I only had a mask and flippers.

“Where’s my oxygen?” I asked.

“I have it,” he answered as he patted the tank on his back. “What we’re going to do is jump into the water. I’m going to take a breath through the mouthpiece and then pass it to you. You’ll take a breath and pass it back to me. It’s called buddy breathing.”

So into the ocean we jumped. He put his arm around my waist like I was a sack of potatoes and down we went. John drew oxygen from the tank and then passed the breathing apparatus to me. We took turns breathing. It then occurred to me that I was totally dependent on this young friend to keep me alive.

This was not a very smart idea, but it did leave me with a great life lesson. At various times we will all find ourselves in deep waters. We may feel as though we are drowning with no help in sight. And then a friend comes along and hands us the breathing apparatus. We take a breath and rise quickly to the surface.

Words of my friends have been like oxygen when I feel as though I’m drowning. Even today I have a mental scrapbook of encouraging words passed along to me in the ocean of despair. God has sent friends my way who have strapped on the Word of God and passed the life-giving words to me when I’ve needed them most.

Buddy breathing. That’s what we can do for each other when a friend forgets how to draw in the air she needs. That’s what God does for us each time we open the pages of His Word and listen to Him. That’s what we long to do here at Girlfriends in God.

Today, inhale a deep breath of God’s love. Go ahead. Do it right now. Feel His love fill your lungs. Ah. Now that feels good.

Can I just say right now that I am thankful for you? I am thankful that you have allowed us to come into your life for just a moment, to breathe God’s word into your life. You, my friend, have breathed life into ours.

Let’s Pray

Lord, thank You for friends who breathe life into me when I feel as though I can’t go on. Show me someone who needs a tender touch, a winning word, or a strong shoulder to lean on today. And, Lord, thank You for being that friend for me.

In Jesus' Name,


Now It’s Your Turn

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-17 to put today’s truth in context.

Think of one friend who has breathed life into you when you felt like you were drowning.

Now click over to my blog page and tell me her name. I am going to randomly pick 3 names and send them a free copy of this month’s featured book, Listening to God Day-by-Day.

More from the Girlfriends

Do you love a good story? I do! Stories tug at the heart and open the eyes to the truths of Scripture in a way only God can do. I have complied 100 of my favorite stories and devotions into one book titled, Listening to God Day-by-Day. It is the perfect book for a quick pick-me-up before you start your busy day or a sweet dreams closure before you turn off the bedside lamp at night. And here’s some good news, this book is specially priced for the month of June. Get one for yourself, and we’ll include another free for you to share. It won’t show up on your receipt, but we’ll make sure it is included in your package.

And if you want to learn more about how to use your words to speak life into those around you - how to encourage and not discourage - see my book The Power of a Woman’s Words.

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how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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