Girlfriends in God

"Who's Talking?" - Girlfriends in God - Apr. 22, 2010

April 21, 2010 
Who's Talking? 
Sharon Jaynes 

Today's Truth 
"This is my son, whom I love.  Listen to him!" (Mark 9:7 NIV)

Friend To Friend 
Fourteen exhausted, sweaty teenage boys plopped down on the bottom step of the gymnasium bleachers - my son being one of them.  The assistant Junior Varsity basketball coach paced back and forth, lecturing them on the error of their ways.  In the style of Sergeant Carter addressing Gomer Pyle, he yelled, "Who's talking?"

The boys, in practiced unison shouted back, "You are, sir!"

"OK then, listen up!" he barked.

For the next twenty minutes, they did just that.

Unfortunately for the merry band of athletes, school is not simply a place where sports are played, but also an institution for academic advancement.  The next day it was time to see just how much advancement had taken place in the first four months of school via the dreaded semester exams.

Six of the basketball players sat nervously with their peers on the edge of their seats.  Each grasped pencils in hand, ready to attack the twenty-page social studies test.  Apparently someone broke the total silence code with a whisper.  The six foot five, two hundred and fifty pound teacher jumped to attention and yelled, "Who's talking?"

Automatically, without even thinking, Chris Crutchfield, one of the basketball teammates, shot back, "You are, sir!"

The high school freshman social studies class erupted with laughter.  Everyone was tickled, except the teacher and the terrified Chris.

"So, you want to be smart, do you?"  Mr. Thompson asked.  "Who else in here wants to be smart?"

Over half of the class (mostly boys overcome with mischief, my son included) raised their hands.  "I want to be smart," they answered back.

Things were not going well for Mr. Thompson, or for Chris Crutchfield.  After school detention was crowded that week.

It was an innocent mistake - an automatic response - a reflex reaction.  But it made Chris a hero for the day among his buddies.  And in a way, he was my hero as well.

When my Heavenly Teacher speaks to me, when He whispers in my ear, gives me direction, directs my path - when He tries to get my attention and says, "Who's talking?"  I pray my response will be just as automatic as Chris's.  "You are, Sir!"  And when He says "Well listen up, then," that's exactly what I plan to do.

What about you? Are you listening to God today?  Do you know how to detect that still small voice?  Pay attention.  He's longing to talk to you!

Let's Pray 
Dear Heavenly Father, speak to me today, for I am listening.  Help me to recognize Your gentle nudges and Your still small voice. 

In Jesus' Name, 

Now It's Your Turn 
I hope today's devotion made you smile.  It made me laugh all over again just remembering the scene.  Now, let me ask a few questions.

When was the last time you sensed God speaking to you?

What was the outcome of that conversation?

I'd love to hear your response?  Let's share our stories.  Log onto and tell how God has spoken to you!

More From The Girlfriends 
If you would like to learn more about how to hear God's still small voice in your daily life, see Becoming a Woman who Listens to God by Sharon Jaynes.  And if you would like a book filled with inspirational stories, check out Sharon's daily devotion book, Extraordinary Moments with God.

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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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