<< Hands-On Faith for Families

Hands-On Faith for Families – Week of July 15, 2024

Hands-On Faith for Families – Week of July 15, 2024 

Theme: Be God’s Light in the World 

God’s Glory Can Shine Through You 

Scripture: In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16) 

Play: On a sunny day, hand each of your children a piece of white paper, folded in half, with a loving message drawn or written on one half inside. Without unfolding the paper, have them hold it up to the window to allow the sun to shine through it. Ask them to describe the message they see. 

Talk: Just like the sunlight illuminates the message, allowing it to be seen, God’s love lights up our lives and allows others to read a message about His love. God wants others to see the good things we do and recognize His influence in our lives (Matthew 5:16). How can we let others see His love when we’re at the park, at school, in our neighborhood? 

Pray: Ask God to let others see His message of love shining through your words and actions. 

— Shari Pope Joy 

Copyright © 2012 by Focus on the Familywww.focusonthefamily.com 

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