Hands-On Faith for Families

Hands-On Faith – Week of September 5, 2016

Hands-on Faith for Families – Week of September 5, 2016

Theme: Look Ahead

Eternal Treasures

Scripture: How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver! (Proverbs 16:16).

Play: Look for gold or silver alphabet letters on storefront signs. The first person to find his initials is the winner. (If you’re in a rural area, see who can be the first to spot a shiny silver roof.)

Talk: Shiny, glittery things attract our attention and sometimes reminds us of riches. Proverbs 16:16 says that wisdom (knowing how God wants us to act) is better than riches. Gold and silver are not the treasures that make life good. How is wisdom better than money, fancy cars or diamonds?

Pray: Pray for wisdom to do what’s right.

Kathleen Grimm Welty
