Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

Sex and the Single Person - Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - June 13

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Sex and the Single Person

God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. (1 Thessalonians 4:3 nlt)

Sex and the single person can be summed up in one word: no. Am I saying that a single person can’t have sex? Exactly. More importantly, that is what God is saying. Sex is not bad; it has been created by God. But there is a proper place for it, and that place is not outside of the marriage relationship.

Someone might say, “Well, Greg, that is your interpretation, and I think it’s very narrow. My God is loving and wants me to express myself. My God says it is okay for me to have sex with my boyfriend.”

Actually, I don’t dispute that. I would just say her God is not the same as the God of Bible. She has another god, and I guarantee that god won’t save her. The God of the Bible very clearly says this about sex: “God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin” (1 Thessalonians 4:3 nlt). Hebrews 13:4 says, “Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery” (nlt). And Proverbs 5:15 says, “Drink water from your own well—share your love only with your wife” (nlt).

Outside of its proper context, sex can be extremely destructive spiritually and even physically. That’s why there is no such thing as a so-called “one-night fling.” People will say that it didn’t mean anything. It means a lot. And the reason it means a lot is because when you enter into a sexual union with someone, you effectively become one flesh with them (see 1 Corinthians 6:15–16).

There is always a way out of temptation, and sometimes it’s as simple as the door. Flee temptation and don’t leave a forwarding address.

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