An Earmark of the Jesus Movement - Greg Laurie Devotion - February 25/26, 2023
Weekend, February 25, 2023
An Earmark of the Jesus Movement
Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. (1 Corinthians 15:51-52 NKJV)
An earmark of the early days of the Jesus Movement and of the first-century church was a belief in the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
I believe that Jesus Christ is coming again. I believe we are now seeing the signs accelerating, reminding us that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. And I believe that the next event on the prophetic calendar will be the rapture of the church, when we’re caught up to meet the Lord in the air in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
The Bible clearly points out that Christ will return. In fact, New Testament writers mention Christ’s return no less than 318 times. Statistically, one out of every twenty-five verses in the New Testament speaks of Jesus’ return.
God wants us to get this message. Jesus said it clearly: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:3 NKJV).
If you believe this, then it will affect the way that you live. The Bible says those who have this hope of the Lord’s return “will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure” (1 John 3:3 NLT).
When you were a child and got into trouble, maybe your mother gave you this ominous warning: “Just wait until your father gets home.” You were dreading your dad’s arrival. On the other hand, if you were well-behaved, you probably ran out to greet him when you heard his car pull into the driveway.
The same is true of our attitude toward Christ’s return. If we’re right with God, then we will be excited about and looking forward to the return of Jesus. We want to be ready. We want to be watching.
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King David was a shepherd, a warrior, a king—and a man after God’s own heart. Official companion to the Amazon Prime series House of David, a new devotional from Pastor Greg Laurie dives deep into David’s life, the psalms he wrote, and the lessons we can learn from his triumphs and struggles. Grow in your walk with God as you explore the extraordinary life of David. Get your copy today with your gift to Harvest Ministries.