Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

Why We Can Trust God - Greg Laurie Devotion - June 25/26, 2022

Weekend, June 25, 2022

Why We Can Trust God

“O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge” (Psalm 62:8 NLT).

Someone once asked me what was the most spiritual moment of my life, the moment when I felt God more than any other time.

I had to think about that. Was it the day that I accepted Christ as a 17-year-old on my high school campus? I don’t remember that as being an emotional day, but it was the most important day of my life.

The day I was baptized in the ocean at Pirate’s Cove in Corona del Mar was a little more emotional for me. But that wasn’t even the most emotional moment.

The day I married Cathe was an emotional day. She was a vision of beauty in her white wedding gown, while I looked like one of the guys from Duck Dynasty in the worst-looking tuxedo ever made. But that was not the most spiritual moment of my life.

I realized the most spiritual moment, the moment when I felt Christ more than any other, also was also the worst moment of my life. July 24, 2008, was the day I heard the unspeakable news that my son, Christopher, had died in an automobile accident. I felt like my life had just ended, literally. I didn’t think I could go on.

But God was with me. With our home filled with people, I went to my office, shut the door, fell down on the floor, and prayed a Job-like prayer. I said, “Lord, You gave me my son, and I give him back to You.” And I experienced the presence of God.

God came through for me at that moment, and He is still coming through for me today. He was with me in that time of trial and is still with me.

We don’t like times of trial in our lives. We don’t want times of trial. But God will give us strength when we are in them.

Copyright © 2022 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

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