Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

The Gold Mine of the Psalms - Greg Laurie Devotion - May 29, 2023

Monday, May 29, 2023

The Gold Mine of the Psalms

The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.” (Psalm 91:14 NLT)

The Bible tells us that one of the signs of the last days is perilous and dangerous times (see 2 Timothy 3:1 NLT).

Certainly, that describes the days in which we are living. 

But in Psalm 91, which is the gold mine of the Psalms, we find wonderful promises of God’s provision and protection. In fact, next to Psalm 23, this psalm probably has brought more solace to God’s people over the centuries than any other psalm. As believers have faced times of danger, sickness, war, and death, Psalm 91 has been a great comfort to them.

It’s an excellent psalm for anyone who faces danger.

In this psalm God promises that He will deliver us, He will protect us, He will answer our prayers, and He will be with us in times of trouble.

While Psalm 91 contains great promises, it also contains conditions for activating those promises. Not every person can simply take the promises of this psalm and say, “These apply to me.” Rather, these promises are only for the children of God. They are only for those who have put their trust and faith in God through Jesus Christ.

So, to receive these promises, we must first meet the conditions. For example, the psalm begins, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (verse 1 NLT). The name “Most High” is from the Hebrew word Elohim. It speaks of God as the One who possesses everything.

Next, the word for “Almighty” comes from the Hebrew word Shaddai, which speaks of God’s provision. So not only is He the living God, but He is also the giving God. Isn’t that wonderful to know?

But to activate these promises, we must “live in the shelter of the Most High.” We must dwell in fellowship with God. We must have an intimate, close relationship with Him.

Copyright © 2023 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

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