Harvest Daily with Greg Laurie - May 30, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
No Parade
Love does not parade itself. . . .
—1 Corinthians 13:4
Every year we can watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television, along with some 60 million other viewers. With giant helium balloons of cartoon characters, marching bands, people dressed up like clowns, and lots of pizzazz and noise, it is designed to attract attention. People line up to see it.
In 1 Corinthians 13, we read that love does not parade itself. In other words, it doesn’t brag. Bragging is another side of jealousy. While jealousy wants what someone else has, bragging is trying to make others jealous of what we have. It is when we’re not just happy to have something, but we want everyone else to know that we have it too.
It can be when all your clothing has to have designer labels, and you want that label to be noticed. Or it can be intentionally leaving the price tag on gifts so the recipients will know the great sacrifice you made. And what will they do in response? They will feel obligated to reciprocate with a gift of equal value so they won’t feel guilty. It’s the American way.
But love doesn’t put people under pressure like that. Love doesn’t say, “I have made such sacrifices for you. I have done so much for you.” Love just does it and is quiet about it.
God knows what you have done, and the Bible says, “Your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly” (Matthew 6:4). Love doesn’t care whether everyone knows what good has been done. Love doesn’t need the fanfare. Love doesn’t need the fame. It means just doing something out of love for God, out of thankfulness for what He has done for us. That’s how we should be.
For more relevant and biblical teaching from Pastor Greg Laurie, go to www.harvest.org.
Copyright © 2006 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Bible text from the New King James Version is not to be reproduced in copies or otherwise by any means except as permitted in writing by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Attn: Bible Rights and Permissions, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214-1000.