Greg Laurie Daily Devotions

Our Solemn Responsibility - Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - February 9, 2018

Our Solemn Responsibility

“Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman for Israel. Whenever you receive a message from me, warn people immediately.” (Ezekiel 3:17 NLT)

Though the Christian life is a joyful journey, it is also a serious one. It is not for us to hoard all that God has given to us as believers. We have a solemn responsibility to share the gospel message with others.

In Ezekiel 3 God said, “Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman for Israel. Whenever you receive a message from me, warn people immediately. If I warn the wicked, saying, ‘You are under the penalty of death,’ but you fail to deliver the warning, they will die in their sins. And I will hold you responsible for their deaths” (verses 17–18 NLT).

In Ezekiel’s day, a watchman was someone who stood in a tower or on the walls of a city and look for potential danger. What a serious call it was to be watchman. You had to stay alert and awake, ready to sound the alarm.

In the same way, if we see someone in spiritual danger, we are responsible before God to warn them, to tell them the truth. Do you see this happening to someone you know right now? Maybe one of your friends is headed for trouble. They’re involved in a relationship that will destroy them, or they’re getting into drugs or drinking. Maybe you’re thinking, “I don’t want to offend them.”

Do you care about them? Then tell them. The Bible says, “An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy” (Proverbs 27:5–6 NLT).

Sure, it’s a little uncomfortable. Sure, it’s a little awkward. But we have to get out there and do our part. Are there people you know whom you haven’t warned? Are there people you know whom you need to tell about Jesus?

Copyright © 2017 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

Social media summary: Do you know someone in spiritual danger? Here’s what God expects of you.

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