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"When Trouble Comes" - Greg Laurie Daily Devotion - Sept. 17, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

When Trouble Comes

"He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation."
Psalms 91:15-16

Are you facing an emergency today? Dial 911—Psalm 91:1, that is. God can use adversity in the life of the Christian. None of us wants adversity in our lives, but God can be glorified through it. It might be a sickness that looks life-threatening, and then God heals you. Or it might be a sickness that He allows you to experience, but He is glorified in the midst of it.

Psalm 91 does not say you will never die. But it is saying that you won't die before your time. It is saying that until God is done with you, His angels will keep you in all your ways . . . in your ups and downs, when you are awake and asleep, in the sunshine and the rain.

What is your part? It is to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. It is to live in quiet and resting and enduring and remaining, with consistency.

Your objective as a Christian should be to stay as close to the Lord as you possibly can. Because this all-powerful, all-knowing God possesses heaven and earth, has made a covenant with you, loves you, and offers to protect and provide for you, you should make it your objective to get closer to Him, asking, How can I walk so closely with Him that I will be in His very shadow?

You should periodically ask yourself whether you are meeting the criteria of this great psalm, whether you are living up to the conditions that have been set forth. If your answer is yes, then you have God's word that these promises will be activated in your life.

Copyright 2010 Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved. 
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Bible text from the New King James Version is not to be reproduced in copies or otherwise by any means except as permitted in writing by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Attn: Bible Rights and Permissions, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214-1000 

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The new Start! Bible . . . like having Greg studying with you.

  • In this new study Bible, I sought to have the reader feel as though I am right here with them as they work their way through the New Testament …and together we are going through the basics of the Christian life.  I wanted to give them a sense that I am alongside them trying to anticipate their questions and providing clear answers. That is what the Start! Bible is all about.  --Greg Laurie


  • The Start! Bible has been created to help you to understand what it means to be a Christian and to apply the Word of God to your life in an effective manner. 

You can have your own copy of Greg Laurie's Start! Bible in appreciation for your gift to Harvest Ministries this month. 


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