HomeWord, with Jim Burns

Christmas: Just in Time! - HomeWord - December 25, 2018

Christmas: Just in Time!
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt

Note: Today's devotional is offered as a resource that you can use with your family to help make the most of the Christmas season focus.

But when the right time came, God sent his son, born of a woman, subject to the Law. —Galatians 4:4 (NLT)

Most of us have our traditions when it comes to Christmas gift opening. Some families open their gifts on Christmas Eve. Some families open their gifts on Christmas morning. Some spread out their gift opening over several days to extend the enjoyment. Regardless of when you open your Christmas presents, you likely feel that you have the “right moment.”

It’s fascinating to me that God’s gift to us, the birth of His son Jesus, when God became human, was just at the right moment. Not a moment too early; not a moment too late, “But when the right time came,” the Scripture reveals.

Thankfully, we have the certainty of Scriptures, that Jesus did come; that He lived among us; that He died for our sins; that He conquered death and rose again. We have the benefit of those Christ-followers who have gone before us, passing down to us the assurance of Jesus’ life and ministry among us. We share in the legacy of what God has done in human history and continues to do during our time. We are a part of His ongoing story in the world.

O come, O come, Emmanuel,

And ransom captive Israel,

That mourns in lonely exile here,

Until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice!

Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel

            (from O come, O come, Emmanuel)

We celebrate Christmas as the time to remember and give thanks for Jesus, who came “just in time!”


Use the content below to engage your family in a discussion about Jesus’ birth as being “just in time.” Then together, plan a family “just in time” project. Think of people in your world (relatives, friends, neighbors) who have specific needs. Discuss these and decide on one person whose need you believe you can meet. Then, devise a plan for your family to meet that need. For example, there might be an elderly neighbor who can’t do fall clean up on their yard. Your family can set a date and go over to the home and do some leaf raking. When you meet the need, be sure to tell the person that you are helping out as a way to celebrate Jesus, whose birth was “just in time.”


1. If Jesus had not come when He did, but was born during our time, do you think you would recognize Him? Why or why not?

2. What part have other people had in helping you to connect (and/or keep you connected) to Jesus?

3. Thank one of these people this week.

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