HomeWord - Apr. 20, 2007
Serving Anyone Anywhere
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt
...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. — Matthew 20:28 (NIV)
The story has been told of how one day George Washington happened upon a group of soldiers who were cutting down trees that were needed to construct a bridge. As the soldiers labored, the officer in charge stood by watching. General Washington remarked that it appeared the men needed help and suggested that the officer join the work. The officer took offense at the suggestion because of his rank. Setting an example, Washington climbed down off his horse and went to work with the soldiers until the job was finished. Only after the work was completed did Washington reveal his identity to the officer.
While not everyone has the same skills, gifts or passions for serving, there is no place for pulling rank or position when it comes to ministry. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are all on a level “playing field”. When we see a fellow believer in need of help – whether their need is personal or ministry-oriented, our calling is to step up and help whenever and wherever possible.
Jesus proved that this type of pattern for serving without reservation or hesitation is what he desires for his followers by setting the standard himself. The Son of God, leaving his heavenly glory, walked among us as a servant. His ultimate act of service was displayed when he died on the cross, taking upon himself our own sin and shame, that we might be forgiven and the door opened to having a relationship with God.
Today, when it comes to serving others, go beyond any thought of rank or position. Be willing to serve anyone anytime – in the name of Jesus. If we do, God will use us in tremendous ways – and I believe – because we prove to be faithful in serving anywhere, He will open up even more areas of service to us where we do have skills, giftedness and passion.
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1. Reflect on a past situation where you have either avoided helping someone because of rank, position, or simply not wanting to lend a hand.
2. What, if anything, would you do differently now regarding the situation you reflected on in question number one?
3. Think of a specific action you can take today to serve someone in your world that needs a helping hand. Commit to taking that action.
Matthew 25:14-30; Matthew 25:31-46; John 13:1-17; 1 Corinthians 4:2
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