HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - Aug. 16, 2006

A Healthy Reminder 
This devotional was written by Robin Dugall

For you are dust and to dust you shall return. — Genesis 3:19     

In my Bible, I run into bookmarks that are cards I received at funerals commemorating the lives of people whom I have known and loved.  One card reminds me of a man by the name of John, a delightful man with a playful heart and spirit who shared with me his wisdom on how to navigate difficult situations in life.  He was a paratrooper during the D-Day invasion.  He knew quite a bit about difficult circumstances.  Another is a card with the name “Dodie” on it.  Dodie was an elderly woman who loved when I played my electric guitar loudly in worship, despite the fact that she was 85 years old.  Over the years, I have officiated at hundreds of funerals.  Some of these people I knew well; others were close friends. Others still, were a part of my soul. 

You may wonder why I keep these mementos so close as to be reminded daily about the reality of death and loss.  Truthfully, these reminders keep me healthy.  They refresh my heart about the realities of a broken world where all of us will one day face death.  Each person gives me an opportunity to thank God, not only for the gift of life, but also for the impact that each person made to my growth and vitality.  I need to keep reminding myself what the Bible says to each of us, that essentially we are all “dust.”  God, in a moment of creative genius and overwhelming love, breathed the breath of life into us, bringing to life that which, moments before, was only a pile of nothing.  The Word of God reminds us that our days are limited.  One day, we will return to what we’re from.  The question  is:  How are we going to use the days that are given to us as a gift?  How are we going to love the people in our sphere of influence? How are we going to use the gifts God has given to us for His glory?  Time is slipping away and one day someone may open their Bible and see a card with your name, or my name, on it.  What will they think of at that moment?  What will they thank God for when they think of you?      

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1. Who are the people in your life who have impacted you the most?  What do you thank God for as you think about how they blessed you and your growth as a person?   

2. How would you want someone to remember you?  How do those thoughts motivate you to serve God and live with more passion and purpose?


Genesis 2 and 3; Psalm 103

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