HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - Aug. 28, 2007


I Believe 
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

He called a little child and had him stand among them.  And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”  Matthew 18:2-4

The past few years, I have had the opportunity to relive those glorious days of childhood summer by going back to camp as the session speaker.  I spend a privileged week getting to share about God’s love to 150 3rd through 10th graders. 

The last night I speak is called decision night.  On that night, the speaker presents the Gospel message and gives the campers an opportunity to choose Jesus as their own Savior.  I spoke with the campers about how sin separates us from God.  That is why Jesus came, to die for our sins, so we could have forgiveness and spend eternity in heaven.  We talked about the choice we are given to have a personal relationship with Jesus.  To have this, we must choose to make the Savior our Savior. 

I explained to the campers that this is a personal decision between them and God.  It’s not about what their friends think. It’s not about what their parents think. It is about what they believe.  Do they believe that Jesus, the Son of God, came, lived a perfect life, and died and rose again so that we may all have life and have it abundantly?  

If that night was the first time they had made that decision, I invited them to stand up in front of the group, and say “I believe!”  No sooner had I offered this that a young girl stood with a huge smile on her face, raised her arms, and exclaimed, “I believe!!”  I was somewhat shocked, as I had expected it to be awhile before anyone stood.  This young seventh grade girl believed with all her heart and stood without thinking about what her friends thought and without hesitating to see if anyone else would stand. 

This young woman was a reminder to me of what it means to have childlike faith.  Unashamedly and unabashedly, the young girl stood with conviction and resolve, letting everyone know that she had made a decision to trust in the Lord each and every day.  Perhaps this is a part of what it means to humble yourself like a child.

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1. What areas in your life do you need to have faith like a child?

2. Have you made the decision to make the Savior your Savior?  If not, what is keeping you from doing that?


Psalm 103:8-14; Romans 6:15-23; John 11:25

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