HomeWord, with Jim Burns

Restoration of the Heart - HomeWord - December 14, 2017

Restoration of the Heart
This devotional was written by Robin Dugall

“It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”  Isaiah 49:6

It’s not hard to look around and see people broken, beat up and utterly wrecked by the daily happenings in our world. When God created life, it began complete, God-filled and utterly amazing. But, with an act of rebellion, it became grief-stricken, hurt-ridden and sin-infected. Sin and brokenness entered the world and took what God had made, twisted it, distorting the good and bringing pain into life.

But all hope is not lost. As Christmas approaches, it’s nearly impossible to miss the change that happened with the birth (theologians call this the “incarnation”) of God into our world. Roughly 2000 years ago, God “moved into the neighborhood” as a human being to bring restoration and healing to His most prized creation. The impact on the world was instantaneous with the birth of Christ, sparking a revolution that is still drastically shaping and healing the world that we live in.

We have a huge part in this revolution, day in and day out. Being a Christ-follower means that you put His love into action and through the Holy Spirit’s help, that you be an agent of change in people’s lives. Carrying the love of Jesus along with us, day in and day out is quite possibly the most effective tool that we possess. Christ’s love, expressed through each one of us as we live out the moments of our lives, can drastically make this world and our relationships better.

So, here is a bit of a challenge: as this month moves on and we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus (the miraculous, unfathomable incarnation of God in this world!), seek God as to how you can make a difference in the lives of the people who make up your world. Dream on how you can see His love work through your hands, your words, your time, your gifts and your service.  The graceful love of God is a restorer of people, a builder of hearts, and a healer of brokenness. It is not only that which needs to be experienced day in and day out, but also brought to the people with whom you interact and whom God so desperately loves.

How will you demonstrate the healing, restoring love of Christ to someone today?

John 13:34; Romans 12:10

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